I really freakin hate AOL

They have borked my email, it may be time finally, after many friends and co-workers have begged me, to make the big change.

All in all I can only think of a single, mega-successful software company that fucked up as bad as AOL has. That would be Novell, the one time networking giant which had about 80% of the business networking market in 1991, at the dawn of the dot-com boom. And yet somehow Novell utterly failed to hold onto to enough of that market to prosper while every other firm with a transistor or chip in its balance sheet soared skyward on the NASDAQ. As a stock-broker at the time I assumed, wrongly, I would never again see such mismanagement. And that was a valid assumption, until AOL in the last decade.

Buprenorphine query

Transdermal Buprenorphine, has anyone ever heard of or have experience with this stuff? The reason I ask is my doc put me on it. I’d never heard of it, some research shows it appears to be some kind of morphine knock off. I slapped on the first patch Saturday morning, it seemed to work OK and they’re each supposedly good for seven days, although I noticed a little perspiration from time to time. But when I went to sleep last night I woke up half an hour later in a fucking pool of sweat. [Read more…]

Obama’s taking on the Lord’s Army

Obama has gone done it now. Taking on the Lord-eh, and it looks like we’re involved in war number four. Actually it’s only about 100 US Special Forces. But remember, some conservatives have howled not just about war number three against Qadaffi, but have also raised hell about the two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq that they started. What makes this one a unique opportunity for dominionist creeps is the bad guy is one Joseph Kony, leader of the Lord’s Resistance Army. [Read more…]

Relativity may be safe from superluminal neutrinos

The Oscillation Project with Emulsion-tRacking Apparatus (OPERA) tau neutrino detector in Gran Sasso, Italy

I’m not going to say I told you so, But I Told You So!

Those weird faster-than-light neutrinos that CERN thought they saw last month may have just gotten slowed down to a speed that’ll keep them from completely destroying physics as we know it. In an ironic twist, the very theory that these neutrinos would have disproved may explain exactly what happened.

Spoiler Alert: the article suggests the effects of relativity on the GPS satellite used to clock the neutrinos were not correctly taken into account. When they are taken into account the 60 odd nano-seconds that were throwing everything off disappear faster than a neutrino down an event horizon.

Update: Via RandomFacter in comments, you should have put your money down.

Intelligent design my ass

So I was down for the count with a stomach ailment for the last 36 hours or so. And I do mean down, as in delirious and flat on my back for most of it. It struck me during the rare, lucid moments throughout the whole miserable experience that our innate system for dealing with such maladies is not exactly ideal. Projectile vomiting and trips to the bathroom every ten minutes? Really, Yahweh, that’s the best you could come up with?

Fortunately there are some real designers, albeit less supernatural and far more recent in time, who have developed working solutions for such conditions. Without which I’d probably still be stuck in an endless delirium of mutant dreams and walking nightmares, where the only possible silver lining is rapid weight-loss: between the injury last month and this deal I’ve dropped 15 lbs.