Dinosaurs farted their way to extinction?

The K-T impact site in southeast Mexico as revealed by surface features and geophysical analysis

That’s what the headline says sans the question mark I put in at the end, added because I am skeptical. And while it’s certainly interesting research, it’s fair to say that header looks a teensy-tiny bit over the top, perhaps intended to grab pageviews. Which in all fairness seems to have worked! [Read more…]

Mitt the mendacious

Steve Benen has been cataloguing Mitt Romney’s lies and it has become quite a list. There is something new going on here we haven’t seen before in presidential politics. It’s not just that Mittens garnishes his speeches with a few zombie lies, it’s that he lies so continuously that his entire stump speeches are now nothing but one easily debunked lie piled on top of another from end to end. It’s unprecedented. Here’s a just a few of Romney’s serial whoppers, the rebuttals are linked in the original piece: [Read more…]

Mitt Romney: bull in a China shop

Romney has only himself to blame for what is shaping up to be yet another looming campaign screw up created by eagerly inserting his foot into his partisan mouth before thinking. A few days ago, a Chinese dissident under house arrest managed to sneak away and make it to the US embassy. Imagine the embarrassment and heads rolling over that in the People’s Republic: a blind guy essentially broke out of jail guarded by the Chinese gestapo. They wanted him back, real, real bad. [Read more…]