The dynamics of anger and recession

Most days I get up extra early and work a little O/T. Even with time and a half  it’s a fourth of what I used to make. I barely squeak by each month without dipping into retirement savings or taking a quickie loan, and that’s with zero debt living incredibly frugally. I’m not exaggerating folks, after a lifetime as a successful executive managing millions of dollars, on an inflation adjusted basis I now make at age fifty what I made at age fifteen working as a dishwasher in a barbecue joint. And every morning a neighbor, we’ll call him Ben, is out on his porch sipping coffee taking it easy: Ben is on some kind of disability, he hurt his back a few years ago, doesn’t work at all and he brings home almost exactly what I do every month. [Read more…]

Grim Perrytales: Rick Perry says God forgives Rick Perry

Think of all the things Rick Perry would have to be forgiven for if he were to make it past the Pearly Gates. Screwing over the poor in favor of the money changers, demonizing  gays, flushing God’s little microscopic souls down the toilet to ‘save them’ from stem cell research, etc. But Tricky Rick knows what God forgives first and foremost and this ain’t no Perrytale! [Read more…]

Rightwing nutjobs try to paint rightwing terrorist nutjob as a “lefty”

Mere mention that Obama ordered a successful hit on bin Laden is politics in the gutter. But pretending a rightwing neo-Nazi nutjob who gunned down an entire family including a toddler is really a closet lefty is above board. See, I know both those things are true because other rightwing nutjobs — with everything to lose if they’re not true — say they are: [Read more…]

Spring super moon

Cold hearted orb that rules the night, removes the colours from our sight; red is gray and yellow white, but we decide which is right —  Moody Blues

Weekend skies will feature the biggest full moon of the year. It’ll be hanging up there, beautiful and gorgeous, officially starting this Saturday evening: [Read more…]

Where does a shattered Mitt Romney go from here?

Watching Romney’s antics these last few days gives me some appreciation for what the man faces. It’s not that I feel sorry for him, but I sympathize with his plight. Romney isn’t so much an etch-a-sketch as he is a shattered man, broken into conflicting mini Romneys that can’t easily fit back together, thanks to the crazy swinging inconsistent demands of the GOP apparatus. [Read more…]

Obama addresses troops & nation on anniversary of bin Laden’s death

Moments ago President Obama addressed the nation from Afghanistan. Without the prop of mission accomplished banners and wearing no pilot costume, the President spoke to civilians, service members, and members of the House and Senate, commenting on our future timeline for ramping down the war in that battered nation (Mitt Romney celebrated the non-use of 9-11 and/or the bin Laden hit with a completely non political photo op surrounded by a company of fire fighters alongside former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani a few miles from ground zero). The President’s full prepared marks below the fold. [Read more…]