Maybe this helps explain why Romney lies so much

Maybe charts like that help explain the earlier post about Mendacious Mitt. No one would argue TPM and Daily Kos are non-partisan sites. But they’re accurate. TPM is high quality stuff, they use standard journalistic practices for fact checking. If there’s a big mistake on the front page of Daily Kos, or its even suspected something important could have been misrepresented therein, a correction will be posted — see here for example.

Drudge/Breitbart, Newsmax and the Daily Caller are widely considered on par with Fox News or the Worldnut Daily, the kind of sources that run with or even help create fictional scandals and conspiracies, then pass them around to other wingnut hacks as legit news. If Mittens and his staffers are reading that shit, no wonder he’s telling whoppers right and left. He might really believe the lies or, far more likely in my opinion, Romney figures he can get away with the whoppers because his supporters read and believe the same questionable sources.


  1. godlesspanther says

    I regularly real all of the sources on the top of the chart, the ones in blue print. I don’t recall ever reading the ones that are listed in red — I suppose that this is what one would call a confirmation bias.

    But I do check out World Nut Daily sometimes. I observe the writings there with the kind of guilty fascination that one has gawking at carnival side-show freaks.

  2. Pteryxx says

    Has anyone actually correlated readership affiliation with retractions/corrections posted by each news site? Would that be a salient stat?

  3. Owen says

    Ha! If there are no corrections, then obviously the site has never made any errors and is guaranteed 100% accurate. </snark>

  4. says

    There are conspiracies all around us! I just learned that Jon Huntsman endorsed Mitt Romney on Hitler’s birthday. Did they really think we wouldn’t pick up on the coded gesture between two seniors members of the Nazi-Morman party? The fact that they did this so openly only demonstrates how brazen they have grown …

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