Ghost story

I wouldn’t have believed it if it hadn’t happened to me. The other night I had a little ghostly experience, on Christmas Eve in fact, apologies to Dickens and his spiritual cadres. Now, before anyone thinks I’m losing my marbles, I think I can explain what happened. But I’ll tell you this, it was terrifying. [Read more…]

And Time Magazine’s Person of the Year for 2011 is …..

The Protestor?! From Occupy Wall Street to the bloody sands of Libya, the person who most changed our world in 2011 was the humble protestors. AKA brave patriots when the powers that be agree with their cause in a foreign land, dirty jobless hippies when the protests are here in America. And while choosing the pseudonymous collective as the recipient of an award meant for a single human seems a little bit lame, it also feels a little bit right.

Cambrian predator was a real horror show

The already rather fearsome anomalocaris just got even more ferocious. Paleontologists found a well preserved specimen with detail on the eye arrangement, and this top predator of the Cambrian Explosion had eye stalks:

(MSNBC) — When you look at the animal it has these really gnarly looking grasping claws at the top of its head, for grasping onto its prey,” Paterson said. “It used these grasping claws at the front to shove its prey into its circular mouth, which is also fairly fearsome looking.”

The Cainwreck paints accusers as scheming “husbandless” bitches

One has to wonder who it was that thought of giving a section on the Herman Cain website over to purported female commenters voicing support for Cain against charges of harassment and infidelity, and if that person’s job will last the day. Because it devolved into a cesspool of trolls and hatred in about two minutes. Here’s a taste: [Read more…]

An insider trading story

To understand how pissed off it makes me that Congress can legally trade on inside information and others can’t, I relate this little tale, and it’s true. Mid 90s, pre-Lewinsky, fall of the Soviet Union, peace and prosperity, ahh the innocence lost. The stock market has just started rocking and rolling on what would turn into a parabolic shot into the stratosphere. The firm I worked for has taken a local Texas restaurant chain public, it was a hot IPO, the stock of what we’ll call D&R went up about 20 or 30 % off the open. A year or so later I get a call from a trading client. “Hey, I just heard from one of the head guys, D&R will be bought out by Apple-pie restaurants.”

Now, as a stock jock, I got supposed insider info from excited clients all the time. Almost all of it was bunk, stuff their dumbass friend or some idiot on CNBC told them. I still chuckle thinking of the time a lady who worked at Dell called me and whispered furtively that she knew Dell’s earnings were going to be way better than expected; she was right, except Dell had released those earnings two days before she called!  [Read more…]

How to win elections: asymmetrical class warfare

It’s not hard to win elections, you do that by doing one thing: vote. Every vote you cast costs the billionaire boyz money. Every vote you cast tanks their investments. Voting is asymmetrical class warfare. Ohio and Mississippi proved that again last night. If you don’t vote, your feelings literally do not count.

I’m sure I’ll write more on this and include with useful websites by state, but for now if you’ve moved, are just reaching voting age, are deployed overseas, if you currently lack ID, check with your local state office and Rock the Vote. [Read more…]

Remember this

The Wall Street super congress may be facing an impasse, and you know what that means? It’s getting to be that time of year again!

The super committee — an outgrowth of an August budget deal that also raised U.S. borrowing authority — has until November 23 to craft a deal, with the full Congress facing a December 23 for final action. If there is a failure on either end, automatic spending cuts of $1.2 trillion would start in 2013.

I can think of nothing that would further depress the US economy, especially ahead of what already looks like a dismal holiday shopping season, than We the People being forced yet again to endure lectures about debt and deficits from the very same political and corporate deadbeats who not only piled up a mountain of debt, but who created debt so utterly foul and toxic that We the People had to buy their debt and bail them out faster than a freshman caught maxing out daddy’s gold card in Mexico. Remember that when Thanksgiving rolls around in a few weeks and this becomes all the rage.