just saw thousands of muslims dancing on a rooftop in jersey city
— demi adejuyigbe (@electrolemon) October 2, 2020
whew, so glad it's only Covid-19 and not the Chinese virus https://t.co/Bv5rlMcsRZ
— Matt Oswalt (@MattOswaltVA) October 2, 2020
There’s more!
On the Washington Post article covering Trump’s announcement, there are nearly 20,000 comments as of 4:30 in the morning EST. The number one rated comment is:
“The news is usually so negative.
Nice to see something positive for a change.”
Back to twitter & other social media:
Imagine him on his deathbed and instead of thinking about his wife/kids he’s thinking about that one time he got to sit in a truck
— pixelatedboat aka “mr tweets” (@pixelatedboat) October 2, 2020

True fax.
Gonna be like an October Surprise Advent Calendar
— James Poniewozik (@poniewozik) October 2, 2020
Alright well then in that case I ALSO wish for a million dollars and some really great dick!
— Grant O'Brien (@GrantOB) October 2, 2020
BoJo got Covid and recovered, Bolsonaro got Covid and recovered. Maybe third time’s the charm?
Nothing there as good as xanthe’s content on your ASSHAT post: “wishing him a speedy recovfefe” is going to keep me chuckling til after he’s died.
@1. Charly & 2. sonofrojblake : Here’s hoping .. (Until it happens not counting hatching Chookus domesticus*
LOL. yes, Good memes.
Wonder if Trump is now injecting himself w bleach, taking the hydroxychloroquine, Putins vaccine, thinking the virus was just a hoax and will magically / miraculously go away (back in April this year) and is just another flu now? Like he’s said before catching the virus his incompetence has helped kill 200,000 plus others :
* Probly not actual Latin / Linnean name..
Warren’s Twitter apparently.
My typo not hers a nation w space between.
D’oh and :
(Until it happens not counting hatching Chookus domesticus*
.. pre avian dinosaur chicks hatching ..
Next, try the ebola.
My response has been getting a few laughs:
This one is real, and it beats all jokes:
Also, now that many infections have been connected with the Coney Barrett nomination event, I saw someone on Twitter joke about “Ginsburg’s revenge”.