Not a Bad Dream

Content Warnings: Surreal Violence, Death, Drugs, Prostitution, Deformity.

I had a dream I was Blixa Bargeld of Einstürzende Neubauten fame, though the rest of the band didn’t enter into it.  Me and some artist / drug friends were living in some kind of underground ruin over the course of a few decades.  In later years it also became a brothel and I was arguing with my best friend about allowing caning in the S&M action.  I don’t remember why I opposed it, but my friend the art pimp said we needed it to stay competitive.  The main points of action in the dream were when cops tried to raid us and it turned into big siege situations.  I killed a few cops in self defense and the defense of others, and somehow legally got away with it both times.  Those parts of the dream weren’t bad.  Later in the dream a sad prostitute with a elephant man-like skin condition and semi-liquid flesh started chasing me around and dividing like an amoeba, which wasn’t cool, but not as scary as it should have been.  I woke up to a day off from work, so not a bad time.

Gonna Work on a Screenplay

Content Warning: This could be perceived as making light of gun violence and that ain’t cool.  But I’m an action movie fan, and this came to me in a dream, so I’m obligated to do what I can to make it a reality.  Unless, like, that ain’t cool.  Damn I could use a nap.

How do you like my screenwriter name?  The T is for Train.

You Couldn’t Pay Me

Watching the debate?  Paying any attention whatsoever to the shitshow that is US politics, outside of the bare-ass minimum it takes to vote?  You couldn’t pay me to do it.  Not a fucking chance.  Not happening.  It’s all too upsetting and vile and fucked up.  But you know, maybe that’s an exaggeration.  Maybe somebody could pay me to do it.  Let me figure out how much…

I would have to quit work in order to make mental bandwidth for it, so you have to pay enough to cover my expenses for two years in case it takes a while to get rehired.  I make about $30,000 per year, so $60,000 is the price floor.  But exposing myself to this would make me less emotionally available to my family, so you gotta pick up the therapy bills for them.  Assuming two hours a night at $90 an hour from now through mid November (assuming this isn’t gonna go smooth), another $8,100.  And that’s just getting by, if I want compensation to make it feel like I came out ahead in the deal, how much will I charge to feel like it was worth it?

$100,000.  Anybody want me to cover the election, or even look upon the faces of our rock ’em sock ’em wannabe lich kings?  Full payment in advance, or you get nothing.  Thank you for your understanding.

Edit to Add:  I forgot about the cost of healthcare in the US – going out of pocket for health insurance.  $400 a month for that Obamacare, $9600 more.  Assuming some medical expenses actually will come up, even with insurance I’m currently paying a few thousand a year for dental and such.  Let’s bump this up to $125,000, just for incidentals I haven’t planned for.

Last Demon Drop

This is the last one where I’ll be looking at demon descriptions, but I have a few other things I found in the book I’d at least like to touch on in future posts.  Once I’m done with all of this, I intend to bring the disparate sources together into a single demonology, more “authentic” in its underlying content, but with some art and ideas of my own as well.

Unless I’m mistaken:  “Lambes magnus rex et preses apparet insimilitudine mulierum : loquitur suave prestat amorem tam hominum quam mulierum : si exorcista volvent omnes homines ad amorem fuum povocare faciat imaginem auctam en cum vicinus fronte snibatur amor amore vincitur , et precipiat : ut consacret dando sibi talem virtutem , ut omnes utrius q3 sexua homines accedatur in amorem exorcista qui nullus presumat contra eum in alium farere ad tuum presignant . et habet sub se 19 legiones :–”

Best attempt, degenerates into extreme nonsense:  Lambes, great king and president, appears in the likeness of a woman, speaks pleasantly, gives love of both men and women.  When the exorcist turns all men who have love povocare? make picture subsequently and with close front fribatur? love is overcome by love, and commanded, or hallowing him with such power, or all / both genders of people allows in love for the exorcist, no presuming against him in another of nothing with your noteworthy. And has under him 19 legions.

Hilarious aside:  google translate says “prestat amorem tam hominum quam mulierum” means “I should love both men and women” – word to the wise MFers.  Go bi or go home.

Another stab at transcription:  “Torcha magnus marchio , et dux fortis apparet in similitudinem Grifonis : cum a?ut suscipit formam humanam loquitur rauca voce dupliciter : Ep?ot per ipsum omnes volucres ligare , et omnia volatilia que sunt supra terram , et in aere : qui si exorcista sapiens fint? unam avem ex ere faciet , et ipsam consecrari faciet sibi talem virtutem dando qui omnes aves liget sub voluntate exor : ita qui omnes aves coadimet in illa perte ubi est avis illa profita fuit? : et emittent dulciter cantus suos , et sint mansuete et humane voluntati obedientes in omnibus . Nota qui exorcista potest con ea omnes aves exprere f3 qui sibi p Lacuerit . Dat n dignitates exor. et illas confirmat:–”

Best effort, I got my ass kicked:  Torcha, great marquis and strong duke, appears in likeness of a griffon.  With another human form, speaks in a rough duplicitous voice (or two voices?).  By him all flying creatures can be bound, and all fowl which are over the earth and in air.   If the wise exorcist makes a bird of copper and consecrates it, he gives himself the power to have all birds bound willingly under him.  Ita qui omnes aves coadimet in illa perte ubi est avis illa profita fuit?  …and produces sweet songs, and without mansuete? and kindness willingly obeys in all.  Note who exorcist can with this/it all birds exprere? f3 who/which himself p lacuerit.  Gives dignities and confirms them.  …This one makes me want to take a long nap.

It’s the last guy in the book!  “Triplex fuie complex magnus dux et marchio Apparet insimilitudinem angeli pulchri : et est humilis et fidelus omnibus mandatis exorciste , et est ideo triplex : quia per en? possunt omnia triplinter ligari , et ideo potentior est alus . Ideo possunt ligari volucres bestie , serpentes , Basilisii , et dracones in puteis et internis : et facit ad voluntatem exorciste , reges , magnates , principes , et minores ad voluntatem : super tronum sedere coronam hns? auream que consecretur a predicto preside  ad tempustale . et ponatur in aula regis , ut in camera et habet sub se sua portate · 43 · legiones , et fuit de ordine principatus :– Amen :–”

Triplex ? complex great duke and marquis appears in likeness of a sexy angel, and is humble and faithful to all of the exorcist’s commands, and is therefore Triplex.  Because per en? they can all three be bound, and therefore strong are others (?).  Therefore they can bind flying creatures beasts serpents basilisks and dragons in pits and inside (?).  And at the will of the exorcist, makes kings, great princes, and servants subject to his will.  On thrones set crowns hns? of gold, which is to be consecrated on this president with such a time.  And on thrones are set crowns and places in a king’s court or room, and has beneath him carrying 43 legions, and is of the order of Principalities.  Amen.  (You can say that again!)

This is another one confirmed with an entry in The Book of Oberon, which really makes me wonder what books the author of that grimoire was looking at.  Enjoy the weird dipshit version of Triplex… Friblex!:  “42. Friblex a greate duke & a marques, & appeareth like an Aungell, he is both meeke & trewe,& that in all commaundements, of the Maister, & therfore he is called Friplex, & is the moremighty & hath under him 6 legions.”

In celebration of this milestone, have a marginalia weirdo:

More Geomanticarum Demons

Content Warning: Flashing Lights, Extreme Cheesiness:

Got some more demons to ponder.  I was able to work out a lot on some of them, less on others, but mostly I just need to fill in a few gaps.  Some of these are more interesting than others.

The first boy in the book, “King Avedje, a great duke appearing crowned with a diadem, there is nothing visible of him but his head, and before him proceed two ministers carrying trumpets.  (I love that trumpets are tubas in this BS.)   Teaches fully logic and (hycam?) and all (pereimi?) gives best arts, best understanding of all languages.  Gives best familiars.  Gives full true responses of past present future, arts or things occult consecrated and arcane, and secrets.  (gibberish coming…) And of consecration them of the (Lupyh?),  let him be then forced into a corner, and then  gives true responses without being asked, 30 legions.”

I think I confirmed this guy for appearing in The Book of Oberon under the name “Ebeyeth,” where he is also described as a floating head crowned with a diadem, but the rest of the description there is too short, leaves too much out to be of much use.

This one man… no fucking idea.  Trying to implement what I can learn from cartomancer in the comments:

“Ara dux et marchio Apparet insimilitudine draconis : cum nomine suscipit formam humanam mirabiliter cogit omne genus serpentum si preceptor fuit sapiens potent omne genus sapientum constringere si fili plaenerit et faciat fieri imum serpentem de quoruma?? metallo et faciat consecrari : ut nullus genus serpentum audeat in illis pribus accedere : et istud stabit ad bene placitum sine in eternum . et caveat me frangatur imago que statim virtutem admitteret . Dat responsa de pretentis presentibus et futuris : et habet sub se 29 legions.”

My best effort to make sense of that: “Ara, duke and marquis, appears in the likeness of a dragon.  When assuming the form called human, has marvelous knowledge of all types of snakes, if the teacher is able to be wise, all kinds of wisdom contained.  If son (plaenerit?) and makes it one snake of (quorumas?) metals and makes hallowed, that no kind of snake dare to approach them first, and this rule does not stand well forever.  And should I break the image, then power is allowed. Gives responses of past present and future, has under him 29 legions.”

Hilariously, depending on what word it’s next to in google translate, “serpentum” becomes “florida.”  There is no demon that appears in the form of a dragon and has this snake-obsessed of a description in the sources I’ve read.  Volach has the snake control and rides a dragon, but has a separate entry in this book and is otherwise fairly different.  Most demons appearing in the form of a dragon are more elaborately described, with multiple heads and what have you.

“Paragalla – great marquis and count – appears in the likeness of a knight, head like a lion, riding on a fiery flame.  Controls (carries over?) birds and animals and makes the exorcist knights of copper in hand carrying sword that is sharp, and show himself Paragalle and (consacrer?) aforementioned knight.  ( worse gibberish coming) Has carrying wounds or (interfiriendi?) with sword or knife only (mom? mon?) be fixed later placed in kings house, between many discords or between husband and wife.  Has under him 30 legions.”

There are a few lion-headed knights in demonologies: Boab and Saylmon from this book, Allocer Sabnach and Purson/Curson from the Pseudomonarchia Demonum and related books… And that’s not including demons that are just lions, or lions with wings, or lions with snake tails or duck feet or whatever.  I think these writers imaginations were broken.  Anyway, none quite match the description of Paragalla here.

This is my favorite for one weird detail.  I think he appears in the form of a cicada, which is unusual and interesting.  That word looks like “cichade,” and later “cichadas” appears.  Latin for cicada is “cicada,” Italian is “cicala.”  This isn’t quite either of those and I could be dead wrong, but what else can it be?  My best translation:  “Great count Acar appears in the likeness of a cicada, and then in human form speaks with a rough voice, and is the prince of flies and locusts, and per the exorcist powerfully help people control and bind cicadas and other similar things.  Let there be, therefore, an image from copper or other metals, of aforementioned president consecrated. Provides love between men and women, gives true responses of past present and future, has 20 legions.”

A Bunch of Latin Shorties

Y’all know what time it is.  The way I translate these is in part from google translate but also in part by recognizing repeated subject matter, similarity to other sources on demonology, and recognizing some Latin roots.  I don’t have a background in this, and the source material is pretty scratchy, so…  I’m going to post my translations, insofar as I have them, and you make fun of me in the comments, right?

Lanima – AKA Pneuna – is a great count, appearing in angelic seeming (smonibus blamois?) ceases, and knows strengths of herbs, and has under him 20 legions.  It’s hard to pin down a demon in another source I could compare against to find meanings for those words.

Judifligei is a great duke, appearing in the likeness of ravens, and then appears in human form, preceded by teachers (preptore fui inbente?), makes heard unseen trumpets and symphonies, and transfers (et ora gna?) instruments, teaches to play, is best familars, has 19 legions in his dominion.  Again, I can’t find an equivalent to him in other demonology to help here.  On those ravens, I have a frustration I’ll get to in just a bit…

Gomens or Caym, a strong powerful duke, appears in the likeness of a beautiful woman, crowned with a duchal crown, riding on a camel.  Gives full true responses on past present and future, on the occult (ravernis?), in which appear (spentes?) is princes, and (rustos?).  Gives best love of women, and has under him 2j legions.

This is the one known as Gremory, Gomori, or a half dozen variants thereof in many other grimoires!  A lovely gender weirdo on a camel.  On that “spentes,” I feel like I’ve seen “serpentes” – snakes – abbreviated that way somewhere else in here, but not positive.  Rustos sounds like it would mean farmers, but doesn’t come up in translate.  Don’t know.

Furfur, a great count, appears in the likeness of ravens, his tail in flames, lies unless trapped in a triangle. Then can be ordered into angelic form, with a raucous voice…  Here’s my problem with those ravens.  Furfur is in lots of other demonologies, always described as a deer or hart.  I can see how one missed transcription could lead to a chain of error, with “corvii” looking like “cervus.”  Or maybe the Geomanticarum has it wrong, or I do.  But if Furfur is ravens, so is Judifligei.  And if he’s a deer, likewise.

This is mostly gibberish to me, but it’s clearly about Berith – here called Berich.  Most demonologies open his description saying he is known by at least three names – known to the jews (lovely) as Berith, to some nigromancers or necromancers as Bolfry, and to unnamed third party as (insert random garble here).  I imagine the “vocatur Salmonazi vocant” is about him being referred to in the “notary art of Solomon” as Berich.  Are Gramatiri and Belfarit alternate names?

This guy is known in other demonologies as Aym or Cabeym.  Here… Bachimy or Albermi or Cabeym is a great strong duke appearing with three heads.  The first is like a (nason?), the second like a man (tyng?) two bodies (wtf?), third as a mouse hunter (cat), rides on a viper, carrying in hand a blazing (valcham?), makes man ingenius in all arts, and gives true responses, and has under him 26 legions.  In other demonologies, the first head is a snake, the human head has two stars on it.  But is a “nason” a snake?  And that really looks like it’s saying one of his heads has two bodies, which is bonkers.  The blazing thing elsewhere is a firebrand, but the word valcham doesn’t seem to mean shit in Latin, and reminds me of the sound of “falchion” – a kind of sword.

Simias or Gumas is a great marquis, appearing in the likeness of a lion, riding on a strong (ursum?  bears?), the tail of a serpent, flames proceeding from his mouth. In his right hand carries…  OK, this guy is really similar to Egyn in The Book of Oberon, The Book of Spirits, and… Also this book.  In those descriptions, Egyn rides bears or a dragon, so…?  I don’t know.  However, he’s maybe even more similar to Orias, from the Pseudomomarchia Demonum, Lesser Key of Solomon, and other sources – and that guy rides a horse.  I may be overthinking this one.

Ras, a great governor, appears in the likeness of a (cervi?) with then a subsequent human form, speaking gravely.  Belvow (?) makes subside, and limp.  Gives true responses, gives grace of friends, has under him LX9 legions…  Whatever, buddy.

I hope this one, being Latin, draws as much attention as the previous posts – and doesn’t get whiffed on like the Italian Demonds.  Thank you for what help you’ve already given me.  It is imperative that I summon these demons, pronto.  I swear.

Italian Demonds

I might be the first person online to note that in the Fasciculus rerum Geomanticarum that there are a dozen-ish demons listed much earlier in the book than the main list, but these descriptions are less consistent and often less interesting than the usual demon lists.  Also, they seem to be in late Renaissance Italian, possibly with a skosh of Latin mixed in.  The handwriting was great so I was able to translate most of them, but a few things I couldn’t work out…

Andaras e gran conte fa parere uno homo grande como uno castrono et ancora picolo como uno capreto ha si suo dominio 12 generatione de dimonii.  Andaras, a great count, makes a great man seem like he’s castrated, and yet small like a baby goat.  Has  in his dominion 12 generations of demons.  There’s some guesswork in that.  Any other ideas, my scholars?

Hey, it’s somebody familiar…

Apparently, I’m e re possente fa de lo di nocte et de la noote di a fn suo dominio 12 re de corona.  Satan, a mighty king, makes (what?) night of the night, has in his dominion 12 crowned kings.  Don’t know what this means, but it sounds cool.

Useful but Depressing Video

The flat earth premise is the set-up for a Dan Olson thesis about some dangerous political crank beliefs we’re all having to deal with at this horrid moment in history.  Watch it if you can handle it.  I personally have been avoiding the specifics of what fascist facebook dads believe as much as possible, so it was a useful look at the other side.

The thesis here is to not expect empathy or reason to reach fascists, or at least not easily.  Others have noted the antisemite-flat earth connection and extended some sympathy – the world is unjust and most of us are oppressed by the systems of power around us, you’re right to feel aggrieved, maybe think twice about what the source of that pain is.  Same reality check different approach: “It ain’t the jews or the libs you fucking nazi trash” (commit assault).  Mr. Olson here isn’t on either of those tracks.  He’s just trying to let people know what they’re really up against in this discourse.

So I needed this video as a check-in on what the jerks are up to these days, but it was also useful to compile a list of hashtags to block/blacklist on social media.  This list has redundant entries for platforms that allow spaces and those that do not, edit as required:


#adrenochrome #deepstate #deep state #epstein #epsteinisland #epstein island #inittogether #in it together #pedoisland #pedo island #pedovore #pedovores #pedowood #pizzagate #qanon #savethechildren #save the children #spygate #stormer #thestorm #the storm #thestormishere #the storm is here #thesepeoplearesick #these people are sick #trusttheplan #trust the plan #wwg1 wga #wwg1wga

Blocking is a good idea because these asswipes will say agreeable things to stealth you into spreading their ideology, like the situation of the house of rumored child traffickers that got mobbed in Wisconsin.  Were the people in the house up to no good?  I don’t know, but the missing girls turned up somewhere else completely, the supposed photo evidence was being tweeted by somebody that included a nod to motherfucking pizzagate.

Staying woke ain’t as easy as it used to be.  Some BLM activists are sometimes – knowingly or not – reblogging literal nazi content from people who literally want them dead.  Look at the hashtags.  Eyes open.