I’m sure that weird Luigi kid is being set up by the NYPD. But if he wasn’t? Don’t care about his politics or qualities as a human being. Regardless of who did it, they should get the jury nullification pass.
Fucking lynch mobs benefitted from that in the ’60s*, because murdering black men was a bit uncouth but understandable, to people who are still alive and voting to this day. Why shouldn’t someone with a genuinely understandable motive get a pass?
If the wacky theory proved to be true, that the CEO had himself whacked to dodge the SEC? Then good work, CEO. If nazi bitch Nick Fuentes did it, I’d exonerate and salute him on Monday, and kick his teeth in for unrelated reasons on Friday.
Doesn’t matter who did it. They should walk. Not saying they should’ve done it or it should be done again, but we deserve one. As a treat.
*shit, when did trayvon’s murderer walk? fuck ameriKKKa.
EDIT TO ADD: a video that gone taken down by shitass yewchoob BOOOoo!
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