“When you find yourself in one, stop digging.”
Early last month, in a speech focused on highlighting the need to track federal spending on indigenous issues, Beyak said “good deeds” came out of Canada’s residential schools.
Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission spent six years examining the legacy of the government-funded, church-operated schools, infamous hotbeds of abuse and mistreatment that operated from the 1870s to 1996.
The senator’s comments touched off a firestorm inside and outside the upper chamber that divided her own caucus, which ultimately decided to remove her from the Senate committee on Aboriginal Peoples.
READ MORE: Senator who defended residential schools urged to leave committee
Beyak said in her statement that she believes this experience has revealed to her how difficult it is to have a “balanced, truthful discussion about all issues affecting Canadians.”
Here’s your balance, Lynn Beyak: European colonials committed genocide against the First Nations. Canada, the institution that arose from that atrocity, continued that genocide through the residential school system.
We’re the bad guys. You don’t get to claim credit for the good shit Canada did while eschewing credit for our bad shit. We own that history, you hare-brained narcissistic twit.
Thing is, she’s part of a global revisionist trend. It’s no coincidence that Britain is aiming for an “Empire 2.0” and has a revisionist US American historian revising the schoolbooks.
She was off the committee on April 5
Giliell @1
Link please, this sounds like something I’d like to know about.
A broadly-similar denial just happened here in France. Marine Le Pen, the nazi currently running for President, recently asserted “I don’t think France is responsible for the Vel d’Hiv”; Vel d’Hiv is one of the locations where Jews were detained by the police during the Vichy regime before being sent to the extermination sites.
Her excuse? “France and the Republic were in London during the occupation” (Marine Le Pen denies French role in wartime roundup of Paris Jews). Which, if you think about it, means all the French who were in France during WW ][ were nazis (like her). Including, e.g., The Resistance.
Whilst I haven’t seen that angle pointed out (yet) in the English-language press, this is quite possibly a major mistake (GOOD!) for another reason: It reminds everyone of the antisemitism which was always been an important part of the le penazis. She has been trying to downplay that, with, unfortunately, some success; indeed, one of her efforts is to actually get Jews to vote for her nazis by emphasizing her nazis’s Islamophobia (apparently with some success, e.g., France’s Far Right, Once Known for Anti-Semitism, Courts Jews and French Jewish dilemma: Will it be kosher to vote for Marine Le Pen?).
blf, that’s interesting. Sounds like it’s time for someone to stage something about the Dreyfuss affair, to remind people of the many decades of French antisemitism that predated the nazis.
Nyc. Atheist, I’ll look them up but I’m mostly on my phone so it may take time