The Everyday Life of a Midwest Mom

It’s always fascinating to listen to atheists and theists debate. For me, it doesn’t take much arguing to disprove the bible, but for many people, you can talk until you’re blue in the face and nothing will change. While these exchanges are always interesting, they’re certainly not what I’m focused on.

I am more interested in discussing everyday life as an atheist. It’s not as easy as a Midwest mom. Being an atheist is an important part of me, but I still have to go about my day here in Toledo with my family.

Retreating to My Closet

Even though I’ve wanted to write about atheism for a long time, in my everyday life I’m basically in the closet –mainly because I fear discrimination and ridicule at work. My daughter is only three so thankfully I haven’t had to deal with a lot of other parents yet. My family and close friends know I’m an atheist but that’s as far as it goes.

This blog might blow my cover, but I’m thinking it’s about time. I’m now willing to take that risk.

Atheists around the world aren’t always treated well, and I want to work to change that. I can’t help if I stay silent.

What Being An Atheist Mom Means to Me

As a mom and atheist, I want to foster curiosity in my daughter. She has so many questions right now and she’s so fun to watch. She has absolutely no sense of “gross” yet and she’s fearless.

I also think it’s important to teach the importance of empathy. I want to refer to the humanist “good without god” saying. I will tell my daughter that we help other humans when we can because we are also human and it’s the right thing to do. This doesn’t involve a god or scoring points for entry to heaven.

I hope, as my daughter gets older I will have instilled decent levels of skepticism and common sense.

An even bigger hope of mine is that my daughter never feels like she has to hide her (dis)beliefs.


I would love to hear from others – especially parents – on how atheism plays into your everyday life. That’s something I really want to focus on. I spend too much time silent and angry and I’m curious how others feel. Leave a comment and let me know.

This heathen mommy is ready to write!

Hi! I’m Megan. I’m a wife and mother from Toledo, Ohio USA, and I’ve spent most of my adult life working in mental health and the arts. I love to write, and before coming to Free Thought Blogs, I was a blogger for a popular mental health site for two years.

How I Became an Atheist

I didn’t call myself an atheist until my early twenties, but my skepticism was definitely brewing long before then.

My family was Christian but didn’t go to church except for an occasional Christmas or Easter service, and even that tapered off as I got older. There wasn’t a lot of pressure from my family to believe one way or another.

However, I grew up in a conservative rural area and pressure came from others in the community. I was an outsider. I questioned Christianity from a very young age although I didn’t always feel safe doing so.

To make things messier, I have a mental illness that causes visual and auditory hallucinations. It really consumed me in my late teens and early twenties. The hallucinations were frightening and at the time there was no real explanation. I thought they were ghosts. What else could they be? Since I had usually been skeptical, this caused some serious inner turmoil.

Finally in my early twenties I was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder and prescribed medication. My life dramatically changed for the better. When the antipsychotic meds kicked in and the hallucinations stopped, questions turned to answers. The hallucinations were this tiny thin thread – the only thing connecting me to spirituality. When it was broken, I felt clarity. I had an explanation. I finally called myself an atheist. 15 years have passed and I’ve never wavered from that stance.

You would not believe how grateful I am to modern medicine and science for creating medication that help stops the symptoms of schizoaffective disorder. None of my life would be possible without it.

The Meaning of My Blog Name – “From the Ashes of Faith”

It’s no secret that religion causes the majority of suffering in the world. We see it everyday and those with a heart are sickened by it.

“From the Ashes of Faith” refers to if and when religion falls, a liberated, more peaceful society will emerge. I think that’s something worth fighting for.

Moving Forward

I am really interested in writing about secular parenting and atheism in the Midwest. I would love to hear from other parents. Social issues that are really important to me include income inequality, reproductive rights, and mental health, so you will probably hear about those as well.

Thank you for reading my first post! I plan on posting consistently although I have not completely decided on a schedule yet. Please check back soon as I settle into a routine.