Do I Sit Quietly or Fight — Confessions of a Black Swamp Atheist

Do I sit quietly or fight? I feel this is a question that’s been floating around in my brain for my whole life.

I grew up in the rural Midwest, and although my own family wasn’t very religious, I was completely surrounded by Christianity in our community. I didn’t consider myself an atheist growing up, but I sure as hell wasn’t a Christian like my neighbors and friends. I was a skeptic even as a kid and Christianity was the biggest, most annoying thorn in my side. I didn’t know what brainwashing meant back then, but I knew Bible stories were pretty ridiculous and I just couldn’t understand how anyone could believe them. There was obviously something wrong with me. At the time it felt like there was no escape and I would be looked down upon forever.

I went to public school and my education should have felt like a sanctuary, but people from where I’m from know that public school doesn’t mean secular. Religious posters donned the walls of many of our classrooms and many of our school functions began or ended with a prayer — the most visible being our football games. 

This brings me to one of the proudest moments of my high school career. I was a senior and didn’t give a fuck. I knew I was getting the hell out of town when I left for college and the entire year my dad kept pleading with me, “just graduate!” I was in the marching band and decided to walk out of the stadium during the last prayer of the game. I was the beaming recipient of an after-school detention. I don’t really remember my parents saying anything to me about it. I probably just got another “just graduate!”

Like many wayward teenagers, I dabbled a bit in Wicca. The school guidance counselor called me to her office and questioned me when I came to school wearing a necklace with a pentagram on it. She said she just wanted to make sure I wasn’t going to hurt anybody. Another trouble-making friend of mine got a Book of Shadows taken away from her at school.

I was a lot more vocal when I was younger.

Fast forward to now and I’m living in Toledo, Ohio — about forty miles from where I grew up — with a family of my own. I have many years of solid atheism under my belt but the stakes are higher now. I’m scared to speak out. I have a daughter and I have to think about my job. If I live openly as an atheist things could be a lot harder. Even though I grew up in the country and Toledo is a city, it’s still pretty conservative here. Ridicule and discrimination are real possibilities if I speak out against religion or reveal that I’m an atheist.

So, that question comes up again — do I sit quietly or fight? 

Next month my poetry book will be released — it’s all about being an atheist mom in the Midwest. Having a book published feels like a pretty public admission of atheism, and I’ve decided if people around here find out about the book, I’ll let the chips fall where they may. Maybe I won’t be shouting from the rooftops of Toledo that I reject religion, but if it comes up — no more hiding. I’m an atheist.

(If you’re curious, my poetry book is called, Free to Roam: Poems from a Heathen Mommy, and will be released 2/2/21. It is for sale on my publisher’s site, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon.)

Happy New Year! And Book Update!

We all know 2020 has been challenging to say the very least, but I think 2021 offers hope. I doubt things will ever go back to the normal we knew, but we’re resilient and change can be for the better.

This pandemic has been a period of growth for me — as a mother and writer since I spent a lot more time doing both. I’m excited to see where this growth will take me.

2021 — I’m ready for you!

And a book update —

My poetry book, Free to Roam: Poems from a Heathen Mommy, will be released on February 2nd. It is for sale on my publisher’s site, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon.

Happy New Year to you all!


My poetry book is now available for pre-order on Amazon. :)

My poetry book is now available for pre-order on Amazon.

Everything about Megan Rahm screams “Midwest Mom” with one big exception—she’s a very passionate atheist. While often a source of tension, this juxtaposition in her life is also a source of creativity, and Free to Roam: Poetry from a Heathen Mommy is a result. In this debut collection, Rahm passionately explores coming of age, faith and atheism, motherhood, and womanhood. With honesty, poignancy, and humor, Megan Rahm explores life’s most exhilarating highs and the heartbreaking lows. Her words are sure to both make you cry and awaken your sense of life’s adventure. 


On sale February 2, 2021 

Title: Free to Roam: Poems from a Heathen Mommy 

Author: Megan Rahm lives in Toledo, Ohio with her husband and daughter. Her blog, From the Ashes of Faith, can be found at

Retail price: $14 

Trim size: 6”x9” Format: Paperback 

Page count: 100 

ISBN: 9780988493889 

Publication date: February 2, 2021 

Distribution: Ingram, Amazon, Lightning Source 

Publisher: Freethought House 

Contact: Bill Lehto (651) 605-5275 

Zoom meeting with Great Lakes Atheists – Come Hang Out with Me!


Meet Megan Ginter Rahm, Freethought Blogger as she chats with us about her upcoming poetry book, entitled, “Free to Roam: Poems from a Heathen Mommy”. She lives in Toledo, Ohio. She says that she has not met any of us, so I hope y’all will join us for an evening of conversation and poetry.
Barbara Williams is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

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The Shower (Erotic Poetry)

The Shower


You lather my body
in honeysuckle soap
and sweet anticipation.
Your soft touch
melts my hardened shell —
my armor for the outside world.
I return the favor.

The hot water
trickles down
taking with it
It’s just us
in this one moment
here and now.

Soft turns to passionate.
We fumble
then you pin me
facing the wall.
I inhale sharply
as you enter me
from behind.

You explode inside me
and tranquility rains down.
You fill me
save me
protect me.
It’s been a long day.
Now that’s all
down the drain.
All that’s left
is you and me
in the steam.

Fun Sexy Thoughts

Hi guys! So sorry for the gap in posts. I’ve been focusing a lot on my other writing projects, and I’m really having a great time working on them.

I am sharing a poem from my erotic poetry book that I’m currently working on. Let’s think fun sexy thoughts instead of last night’s debate.


White knuckles
grasp the window sill above our bed.
Let the neighbors see
the love that we share.

The cool air caresses our naked bodies
individual but connected.
My knees hug your sides
as we rise and fall together.

My fingernails graze
your back and shoulders
as your powerful release
melts inside me.

Stardust in your eyes
and radiating from the sheets.
A release of frustrations
replaced by this satisfying moment.

World peace is impossible
but in our universe
of endless demands,
this is pretty damn close.


Day Drinking and Writing – Erotic Poetry

With Covid-19 and a lack of work, I’ve been spending a lot of time day drinking and writing. I’m not going to lie — it’s kind of nice. However, I’m scared that when this is all said and done, I might be out of a job. The mental health board gives us the grant that funds my job, and I know they’re going to be making cuts. With everything going on, how could they not? My job is running an arts program and we all know the arts go first. I’m worried but trying to focus on the here and now. Right now I can write as much as I want, so I have several projects I’m working on. 

I’ve shared a couple of the projects I’m working on, and I’m making a lot of progress, but I don’t think I’ve told you that I’m writing a chapbook of erotic poetry. It is so much fun. 

I want to share a couple of poems I’m working on. (Don’t worry — nothing too raunchy, and yes, I like bald men.) 


Softness and Torture

Smooth head,
strong hard-working hands,
and a shy smile —
I love being naked
and watching him touch me
for the first time.
My body is full-fledged
but I’m a shiny new thing to him.
He teases
examining every inch of me
with his careful touch
from my neck
to my anxious hips.
The world dissolves around me
as my body spreads wide
in the nothingness.
We’re alone in the abyss.
He takes command
of my vulnerable state
as my fingers cling to the sheets —
my only anchor to reality.
My fantasies are outrageous
but the way he makes me smile
is genuine.
This stranger takes me
to another world
and I surrender to the
softness and torture.



I wonder what your blonde curls smell like
when I twirl them between my fingers —
beckoning vines pulling me in with every breath.

I wonder what your crimson pout tastes like
or what I will look like with your lipstick smeared on my face.
Give my sheltered life a little more color.

I wonder what it’s like to touch your powder-soft skin
or to kiss the secrets you hide from the world.
I wonder what it’s like to feel your warmth from the inside out.

I want to satisfy my teasing curiosity —
slowly, with all my senses.
I want to celebrate your curves and make you smile.

My husband doesn’t mind.
He’ll leave us alone
because he wants me to love without restraints.

I want my fantasies to be memories and not “what if’s”.