Anyone want to caption this picture?

Check out the van I was stuck behind at a red light. Yikes! Sorry for the raindrops on the windshield.

I’m sorry for the lack of posts, but I’m still alive and kicking! I’ve just been busy at work and with art shows.

We have a diversity and inclusion consultant working with us at one of my jobs, and I complained about the office woo. I’ll have an update soon.

New Art Show

I am sick. I started not feeling well at work last night but powered through my shift anyway. Standing at a cash register for several hours is no joke. By the time I got home, everything hurt. So I’m taking it easy today and lounging around the house. Luckily, I have the day off, and my husband is taking very good care of me. 🙂

I’m in a new art show called Rebellion, and you can check it out here.

I’m going back to bed. Thank you for your support.