The Daily Bird #714.

This was yesterday: “Oh gods, I went and filled the feeder, then took Jayne on a walk around the property, and there were DOZENS of Cedar Waxwings in the apple tree. I’ve been trying to get a photo of them for years.”  This was not easy shooting, but still, oh, this was so exciting! I sat on the ground under the apple tree, and shot up. Lots of photos here, 12 of them, most below the fold. The last set is underexposed, but I was once again shooting into the sun, so it was the only way to prevent a bunch of silhouettes. They are constantly active, so most of my shots were somewhat artistic blurs. These are also birds who excel at the quick flip the moment you get a focus, so I ended up with a lot of butt shots too. These 12 were the best out of them all. Altogether, a great and grand morning, sitting under the apple and box elder maple trees, in the shade, surrounded by the soporific buzz of bees in all the blossoms. Picked a bunch of lilacs for the studio, too. Click for full size!

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The Daily Bird #712.

Black-headed Grosbeak, click for full size. It’s always a joy to see the Grosbeaks arrive. Around here, the males are notoriously cautious and shy; they’ll usually fly off if they spot the slightest movement from me. Happily, this fellow was an exception to the rule. He didn’t care that I was leaning on the windowsill, very close indeed, and making all that clicking. He just kept on eating with enthusiasm. The last shot was his first checking out the feed situation, from there, he flew to the top of the tray hook, then on to food!

© C. Ford.