Trump the Thump.

Yeah. For Real. It gets worse. Note how, in the poster, TrumpBunny is under Jones’s hand.

Alex Jones is hawking another book, this time, it’s ostensibly for the sproggen. The title is Thump: The First Bundred Days, By Timothy Lim, Mark Pellegrini, Brett R. Smith.

In the year 2016, with a hop, skip and jump,
A candidate stormed the stage: A bunny named Thump!

His goal is nothing less than to become President
And to make America great for each resident!

But his campaign trail is fraught with challenge and peril,
Attacked on all sides by fiends ferocious and feral!

There are traitors and crooks and old establishment guard
And rabid media watchdogs unchained from their yard!

Will the winningest of bunnies take his greatest stand
And find his way to the highest office in the land?

We won’t spoil it for you here, but you might have a guess…
Come join Thump and his party on the road to success!

It’s every bit as bad as you’d expect, with at least one surprising low. One thing is quite clear, they do not expect children or adults to actually have a working vocabulary; this is more “we can’t use the real words, but you know wot I mean, wink nudge.”

The book, called Thump: The First Bundred Days, was written by a group of co-authors including Brett R. Smith, the creative director of the Steve Bannon-backedClinton Cash: A Graphic Novel, and Timothy Lim, who has worked with Marvel, Lucasfilm, and Hasbro. The book is published by Post Hill Press, whose books are distributed by Simon and Schuster.

The online store of Jones’ conspiracy theory outlet Infowars is selling the book with an exclusive poster showing Jones and Thump and describes the product as “the perfect book for teaching your kids or reading through it for yourself!”

Jones hosted Smith for a promotional interview on January 3, and flipped through the book, revealing some of its disturbing content.

On one page that Jones showed, the text read, “Thump found friends in strange places and in all shapes and sizes. Such as the frogs that croaked ‘KEK!’ They were full of surprises!”

Thump found friends in strange places and in all shapes and sizes, such as the frogs that croaked “KEK!” They were full of surprises!“Gosh, no nazism there, no. And isn’t that critter on the left stolen from whatshisface?

And then we have this…

Thump reads, “Thump was caught talking of grabbing all things pusillanimous. Protesters even made pink hats: their ire was unanimous.” Let’s have a look at vocabulary here:



Lacking courage and resolution: marked by contemptible timidity Syn: cowardly.

-pusillanimously, adverb.

[Origin: Late Latin pusillanimis, from Latin pusillus very small (diminutive of pusus boy) + animus spirit; perhaps akin to Latin puer child.]


Hmm. Seems they only cared about a rhyme and at least the starting sound of pussy, and not the meaning of the word. It would be nice to think this was a deliberate swipe at the Tiny Tyrant, but I doubt that’s the case. I’m sure if the sprogs of Trumpholes ask as to the meaning of pusillanimous, they’ll be told a pretty lie, if the Trumpholes know what it means in the first place. I wouldn’t be surprised if it gets tangled up with pugilism in the Trumphole world.

You can read more about this travesty at MediaMatters.


A partridge steals eggs from another's nest.

A partridge steals eggs from another’s nest.

Text Translation:

Of the partridge The partridge gets its name from the sound it makes. It is a cunning and unclean bird. For one male mounts another and in their reckless lust they forget their sex. The partridge is so deceitful that one will steal another’s eggs. But the trick does not work. For when the young hear the cry of their real mother, their natural instinct is to leave the bird that is brooding them and return to the mother who produced them.

The Devil imitates their example, trying to rob the eternal Creator of those he has created; if he succeeds somehow in bringing together men who are foolish and lack any sense of their own inner strength, he cossets them with seductive pleasures of the flesh. But when they have heard the voice of Christ, growing spiritual wings, they wisely fly away and entrust themselves to Christ.

The nests built by partridges are skilfully fortified. For they cover their hiding-place with thorny bushes so that animals attacking them are kept at bay by the prickly branches. The partridge uses dust to cover its eggs and returns secretly to the place, which it has marked. Frequent intercourse tires it. The females often carry their young in order to deceive the males, who frequently attack the chicks, all the more impatiently when the chicks fawn on them. The males fight over their choice of mate, and believe they can use the losers for sex in place of the females. The latter are so affected by lust, that if the wind blows towards them from the males, they become pregnant by the males’ scent. Then, if any man approaches the place where the patridge is brooding, the mothers come out and deliberately show themselves to them; pretending that their feet or wings are injured, they put on a show of moving slowly, as if they could be caught in no time; by this trick they act as decoys to the approaching men and fool them into moving far away from the nest.

The young are not slow, either, to watch out for themselves. When they sense that they have been seen, they lie on their backs holding up small clods of earth in their claws, camouflaging themselves so skilfully, that they lie hidden from detection.

A partridge seems to be an unlikely symbol of unbridled lust. Those birds were a common dish on medieval tables; I wonder if all the lustiness was also assigned to eating them.

Folio 54r – [De perdice]; Of the partridge.

Frigg’s Day Mood.

Highly Suspect – My Name Is Human.

I’m feelin the way that I’m feelin myself
Fuck everyone else
gotta remember that nobody’s better than anyone else, here

do you need some time to think it over?

Look what they do to you
Look what they do to me
You must be joking if you think that either one is free , here

Get up off your knees girl
Stand face to face with your God
And find out what you are
(Hello my name is Human)
Hello, my name is human
And I came down from the stars
(Hello my name is human)

I’m ready for love and I’m ready for war
But I’m ready for more
I know that nobodies ever been this
Fucking ready before

Do you need some time to think it over

So figure it out or don’t figure it out
I figured it out
The bigger the river
The bigger the drout

Get up off your knees boy
Stand face to face with your god
And find out what you are
(Hello my name is human)
Hello, my name is human
And I came down from the stars
(Hello my name is human)

Fire world I love you

I’m up off my knees girl
I am face to face with myself
And I know who I am
And I stole the power from the sun
I am more than just a man
(No longer disillusioned)

(I’m not asking questions
cause questions have answers
and I don’t want answers )

I came down from the stars

(So I’ll take my chances
And what are the chances
That I could advance
On my own circumstances
Said what are the chances
And what are the chances)

Hello my name is human
And I know who I am

(I’m not after answers
I’m not asking questions
So you keep your answers
So you keep your answers
I’m not asking questions
I’m taking my chances)

Art Prep.

© C. Ford.

Getting stuff ready for all the hurry up and wait I have coming up. Besides, I’ve found if I’m in a waiting room, and start working, all of sudden, people want to do stuff on time. Kinda like magic, the highest annoyance factor always wins.

Lego Hell.

Mihai Marius Mihu has done a great job of creating Dante’s Nine Circles of Hell in Lego. Mihu did not immerse themselves in The Inferno for this project, limiting themselves to snippets about the circles, wanting their own take on it to dominate, and I think it’s a grand job. Lust is most impressive. I’m just going to post Gluttony here, because the red and black really attracted me, and you can have a wander through the other circles yourself, and also have a care if you curious sproggen trying to peek over your shoulder.

© Mihai Marius Mihu.

© Mihai Marius Mihu.

© Mihai Marius Mihu.

© Mihai Marius Mihu.

You can see all of Lego Hell here.


A portrait of three herons, the one on the right holding an especially characteristic pose.

A portrait of three herons, the one on the right holding an especially characteristic pose.

Text Translation:

[Of the heron] It is called heron, ardea, as if from ardua, meaning ‘high’, because of its capacity to fly high in the sky; it fears rain and flies above the clouds to avoid experiencing the storms they bring. A heron taking wing shows a storm is coming. Many people call the heron Tantalus, after the king who betrayed the secrets of the gods. Rabanus says on this subject: ‘This bird can signify the souls of the elect, who fear the disorder of this world, lest they be caught up by chance in the storms of persecution stirred up by the Devil, and raise their minds, reaching above all worldly things to the tranquility of their home in heaven, where the countenance of God is forever to be seen.

Although the heron seeks its food in water, nevertheless it builds its nest in woodland, in tall trees, as the righteous man, whose sustenance is uncertain and transitory, places his hope in splendid and exalted things. The soul of man sustained by transitory things, rejoices in the eternal. The heron tries with its beak to prevent its nestlings from being seized by other birds. So the righteous man lashes with his tongue those who, to his knowledge, are evilly inclined to deceive the gullible. Some herons are white, some grey, but both colours can be taken in a good sense, if white signifies purity, grey, penitence.

Folio 53v – the goose, continued. [De ardea] ; Of the heron.