A great moment.

I’m supposed to be ‘resting’ (meaning don’t move much) for six effing weeks. The unhappiness of that was mitigated today by a gorgeous, very young Downy boy, who was braving the tray in the face of finch hordes, grackles, bluejays, robins, and much older, bossier woodpeckers. Click for full size!



© C. Ford .

Signs of Life.

I was just outside, briefly, my left intercostals are still causing me excruciating pain, but my longing for a dandelion insisted on a foray. Not a dandelion in sight, but tulip and poppy leaves. As I came back in, I noticed the water in the birdbath was frozen solid. At 11:00 am. I am so tired of winter.



© C. Ford.

Trees 1.

From rq, who says, It’s an old property with old, old trees on it. The first two photos are the same tree from different angles. A lot of the trees had similar sort of burn marks on them, I don’t know if it’s human activity or lightning strikes, it was rather odd. Nobody’s lived there for 20 years, since the original house burnt down back in the 1990s. But the trees are still there.

Click for full size!






© rq, all rights reserved.

A Few Words from Alan Cumming…

#ArtAgainstHate PLEASE SHARE by reposting, or volunteer if you would like to partake in this project. Help build a community with us by raising awareness of the bullying this administration is enabling. Find empowerment in the words they call you. In these chaotic times it’s easy to lose grasp of hope for this troubled country. Yet if we open our hearts and our minds to the lush array of souls and energy that surround us every day we can find common ground. And if we advocate others to try their best to learn just one positive thing about that person who may seem so alien on the surface, perhaps we all will discover that beneath the masks that we hide behind are actually more similarities than differences. And one by one, may we shed these words of hate that are spawned by fear of the unknown. #Model: @alancummingsnaps #Photographers: @StevenTrumon & @GINGERB3ARDMAN #MAKEUP: @makeupartbynoel #Retouch Collab: @shinehorovits #ArtistsAgainstTyranny #SpreadTheWord #LoveTrumpsHate #AmericaTheBeautiful #UnitedNotDivided

A post shared by Alan Cumming (@alancummingsnaps) on

#ArtAgainstHate PLEASE SHARE by reposting, or volunteer if you would like to partake in this project. Help build a community with us by raising awareness of the bullying this administration is enabling. Find empowerment in the words they call you. In these chaotic times it’s easy to lose grasp of hope for this troubled country. Yet if we open our hearts and our minds to the lush array of souls and energy that surround us every day we can find common ground. And if we advocate others to try their best to learn just one positive thing about that person who may seem so alien on the surface, perhaps we all will discover that beneath the mask we hide behind are actually more similarities than differences. And one by one, may we shed these words of hate that are spawned by fear of the unknown.
