Betsy DeVos’s hearing veered straight into the absurd, citing potential grizzlies:
However, nothing quite caught the flavor of how poorly her hearing went than her response to Sen. Chis Murphy (D-CT) who asked her, “Do you think guns have any place in or around schools?”
After saying the availability of guns should be “best left to locales and states to decide,” Devos replied to further questioning on guns on campus by adding, “I will refer back to Senator Enzi (R-WY) and the school he was talking about in Wyoming … I would imagine that there is probably a gun in the schools to protect from potential grizzlies.”
Ms. DeVos is not only singularly lacking any qualification to head up the Department of Education, she’s not exactly stellar in the thinking department. She did note she had a bleeding heart:
If the question is around gun violence and the results of that, please know that my heart bleeds and is broken for those families that have lost any individual due to gun violence.”
Buuuuuuut…potential grizzlies, man! I’m hearing Cheech & Chong in my head. The twittersphere erupted over the potential grizzly bears.
Mo Gaffney✔ @mogaffneySo DeVos won’t say guns don’t belong in schools. Except says yes when grizzlies are near. How many grizzly adjacent schools r there?
Adam B. @AllThingsBooks“We need guns in schools because of grizzly bears.” You know what else stops bears? Doors.
Sarcasticsapien @Sarcasticsapien
I’m confused. Betsy DeVos wants to bring God into schools but also guns because I guess God isn’t powerful enough to stop grizzly bears.
Gary @mrgaryhuangI must REALLY live in a liberal bubble. I didn’t think grizzly bears were even remotely a problem in public schools.
More Tweets at Raw Story. Also covering this story, Think Progress.