Friday Feathers

These are from David who notes:

If it’s a murder of Crows


It’s a Parliament of Owls,

then surely it must be …

A brothel of shags?


©David Brindley, all rights reserved


©David Brindley, all rights reserved


To me a s a German, English collective nouns are both a delight and a bane. I mean, a pride of lions and a murmuration of starlings?

In German it’s quite easy: If it flies or swims, it’s a swarm (Schwarm), with the exception of marine mammals (they have Schule, schools like in English). Carnivores that hunt together are a Rudel, a pack like wolves. Grazers? Herde (herd). Trees? Forest, unless you’re my husband who once famously couldn’t remember “forest” and kept talking about a “pack of trees”.

Friday Feathers

Peafowl from Raucous Indignation.

Oh those colours!


©Raucous Indignation , all rights reserved.Click for full size.


©Raucous Indignation , all rights reserved.Click for full size.


©Raucous Indignation , all rights reserved.Click for full size.


My favourite one…
©Raucous Indignation , all rights reserved.Click for full size.