Oh, Almost.

The embroidery on the shirt is done. Finally. I swear, the small things can take bloody forever and ever. Not quite finished, the dread wash test is up next, here’s hoping it survives well. The designs are from Urban Threads.  Serpents are 6″ x 5″, little black heart 2.5″ x 2″. Shirt is Liz Claiborne, bought at Goodwill, natch. Click for full size.

© C. Ford.

Time to Finish.

Time to finish up this shirt which has been awaiting my attention in the cedar chest. It’s tedious, all done in one and two strand, but it will be nice to be able to wear it, so to work! Click for full size. The designs are from Urban Threads.  Serpents are 6″ x 5″, little black heart 2.5″ x 2″. Shirt is Liz Claiborne, bought at Goodwill, natch.

© C. Ford.

In Which I Complain About Framing.

© C. Ford, all rights reserved.

I had the Tree Quilt out of the frame so I could cart it about and work on it yesterday, so time to frame it again. I got it all nice and smooth, only to realize I had it positioned completely wrong, with a stretch I couldn’t possibly make. Sigh. So, I have to reseat the whole damn thing again, which is a pain by yourself. Oh well. I’ll get it right eventually. I’m feeling remarkably … bouncy today, in spite of being exceedingly tender and sore. Meds and good sleep go a long way. So, I’ll go feed the birds, then tackle this again.