More of the Greed of Goldfinches. The one in the last two photos was singing away, for the longest time. Click for full size.
© C. Ford.
Giliell took a walk, and brought us all these wonderful photos! I’m going to post a bit from each collection every day, until they run out. *Happy* Giliell says: Almost all pics taken near or in the city park in Kaiserslautern, or as the US American call it, K-Town. Click for full size!
Also, an anguished fucking climate change! For a few brief days, the weather here was unseasonably warm, and there were actual bare spots of ground to be seen here and there. It was enough to trick the Lilac into budding prematurely. The snow came back, and with it, freezing weather. All the noise about an hour ago prompted me to look out my studio window, where there were many goldfinches gorging themselves on the buds. Click for full size.