The Art of Aubrey Beardsley: Le Morte Darthur

Artwork by Aubrey Beardsley. Le Morte Darthur. Dent and Sons, 1927.

Artwork by Aubrey Beardsley. Le Morte Darthur. Dent and Sons, 1927.

Artwork by Aubrey Beardsley. Le Morte Darthur. Dent and Sons, 1927.

Artwork by Aubrey Beardsley. Le Morte Darthur. Dent and Sons, 1927.

Artwork by Aubrey Beardsley. LeMorte Darthur. Dent and Sons, 1927.


Artwork via: Enchanted Booklet


  1. Ice Swimmer says

    The kind of line shading that is used is reminiscent of playing cards from my childhood*. But Beardsley puts it in good use and gets so much out of black lines on white.
    * = We had a deck in the family summer cottage that had picture cards with line-based graphics.

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