Then local pond had some pokestops added, making it a much more attractive destination for an afternoon walk (don’t judge). the fact that the woods are currently 90% mud further increased the attractiveness of the pond and its plastered walks. And it was nice taking the camera to something “new”. Sadly most of the sun was already gone because even sunshine apparently discriminates against working women.
That fountain goes off once an hour. occasionally it shoots a bird out of the sky (or at least thoroughly confuses it).
Swans are known to mate for life. Unfortunately, this swan’s partner didn’t know that and took off about three weeks ago.
Part two will follow tomorrow, when we find out if the swan swam over the lake (swim, swan, swim!).
voyager says
Your photos are beautiful. You still have so much colour left.
How sad that the swan’s mate took off. I always thought they mated for life, too. Our swans winter together at an indoor pond -- who knows maybe they long for some alone time. Most of the cities in our area keep their swans indoors over winter with a keeper. I didn’t know that swans still migrated -- I’ve never seen one fly. They look so big and heavy.
Anne, Cranky Cat Lady says
Your photos are beautiful, all that light and color.