My boy was all HappyJack™ this morning playing in the creek at the park. It isn’t my favourite place for him to swim because the water can be a bit smelly, but a quick dousing with the outdoor hose at home takes care of that easily enough. After the hosing Jack smells like an ordinary wet dog, which isn’t exactly odour-free, but it is familiar and I find it oddly comforting. Water equals pleasure for Jack and the whiffs of wet afterward tell me that my boy is tired and happy.
Jack fell asleep soon after getting home today (he is 11 after all) and I’m sure he’s dreaming about paddling and floating and maybe even catching a fish. I hope your day is filled with simple pleasures, too.
Oh Jack, you are the perfect picture of a happy dog!
I’m sure Jack considers the extra smelly creek water a bonus. What a happy boy!
A lovely wet Wuffel!
Jack is clearly having the time in his life when he’s in the water. I’m also looking forward to swimming in the sea today (It was 19 °C on Friday).
He is so expressive!