The canopy of the forest is filling in quickly and soon all the light that’s been fueling the growth of spring flowers will turn to shade or bits of dappled sunlight. The trilliums are still blooming madly, though, and we even found a few red trilliums still hanging on. The Jack-in-the-pulpits have sprouted up all over and I can’t recall a year that there have been so many of them. They’re everywhere and some of them are huge. It seemed to take forever for spring to arrive this year, but the woodland flowers are obviously very happy with the conditions.
Everything is so fresh and lovely and green -- thank you for the jack-in-the-pulpits. I love them.
I love them, too.
I never heard about Jack-in-the-pulpits before but they are lovely. They remind me of carnivorous pitcher/trumpet plants.
They’re a native North American plant, and as far as I know, they are not carnivorous -- they depend on flies for pollination. Sometimes the ‘roof’ of the pulpit has darker brown-reddish stripes and sometimes it opens up completely. They’re quite distinctive, in any case, and I miss them.