Apparently, one side of our garden has been overtaken by common sand bees/ mining bees, andrena flavipes.
I noticed a lot of activity last week and right now it’s all buzz and swarming. I was at first confused since wild bees are usually solitary and it took me all of my google -fu to find out that the most likely explanation is that it’s a nesting aggregation and the huge traffic we’re seeing right now is the drones hanging around to have a lot of sex before they die, so in a few days the whole thing will be over.
This is a relief because in about two weeks the workpeople will start rebuilding our garden stairs and stuff and I was worried that the bees would get in their way or would have their home destroyed. As far as I’m concerned, having those bees here is like a knighting for my garden as an insect friendly space.
At work!
A different kind of wild bee.
That fruit tree is currently BUZZING.
Bees are wonderful. I hope they make a permanent nest near your garden.
We had 5 cm. of snow over the weekend and it’s sticking around. :-(
Oh, we’re working hard to keep our garden bee and insect friendly, i.e. very little. If I buy new plants, I check if they are bee friendly, apart from the occasional rose, and for the rest we just let stuff grow.
The picture in which the bees are in a row is extra adorable.