Such rocky shores. In my opinion, how islands should work: large rocks sitting in water. Something very stark and beautiful and strong about that, for me.
Ice Swimmersays
Rocky islands are very common in the archipelagoes at the coasts of Finland. There are also some islands that are eskers or drumlins or part of some river delta.
Ice Swimmersays
All the pictures are from Helsinki.
The first (number 0) is taken from Tähtitorninmäki (Observatory hill, literally Hill of the Star Tower). The yellowish building is a ship terminal (Olympiaterminaali, Olympic Terminal) used by the white ships, while the red ships use the terminal in Katajanokka*. The two bigger islands behind Olympiaterminaali are Valkosaari (white island) and Luoto (skerry), both of which are home to restaurants. The two small ones behind Valkosaari and Luoto are Katajanokanluoto (Katajanokka skerry), Ryssänsaari* (Russkie’s island) and Puolimatkansaari (half-way island, probably half-way to Suomenlinna Sea Fortress).
The second is taken from Merihaka towards Tervasaari (tar island), the wooded island in the middle. In the extreme left, the rocks are the shore of Korkeasaari (high island), home to Helsinki Zoo. The brown building to the right of Korkeasaari, which is on the island Hylkysaari (shipwreck island) used to be the Maritime Museum of Finland before it moved to the city of Kotka 150 km east of Helsinki. The yellow building to the right of Tervasaari in on Katajanokka and it’s called Merikasarmi (marine barracks) and it’s now used by the Foreign Office of Finnish Government.
The third, fourth and fifth are from Uunisaari (oven island), which is actually two islands unless the sea level is so low that the straits/channel between the halves is dry. In the fifth, the island on the other side of the strait is Harakka (magpie).
The sixth is taken from the highest point of the park Kaivopuisto (well park). The red brick building to the left is the restaurant in Uunisaari. The two bigger wooded islands in the background are Pihlajasaaret (rowan islands). The islands are home to a public clothing optional beach.
* = in Swedish Skatudden (Magpie peninsula), the Finnish name, which is derived phonetically from the Swedish name could be translated either as Cape Juniper or Juniper Beak.
** = Ryssä (when used about a Russian person, the nation or the country) is extremely pejorative nowadays in Finnish/Finland.
So beautiful. I love the fifth shot, I so want to explore that island!
Ice Swimmersays
Nightjar @ 4
Thank you!
I should go and do that. The boat ride from Kaivopuisto to Harakka seems to be 5 € (return trip).
Ice Swimmersays
Nightjar @ 4
And I did explore Harakka. A lot of fireweed, lots of birds (including barnacle geese and sea gulls, so a bit hazardous at this time of the year), rocks and trees, including birches.
I’ll see if the photos I took turn out to be good or bad.
Ice Swimmer,
Oooh, wonderful, thanks! I’m looking forward to photos! Wish I could go there myself.
Such rocky shores. In my opinion, how islands should work: large rocks sitting in water. Something very stark and beautiful and strong about that, for me.
Rocky islands are very common in the archipelagoes at the coasts of Finland. There are also some islands that are eskers or drumlins or part of some river delta.
All the pictures are from Helsinki.
The first (number 0) is taken from Tähtitorninmäki (Observatory hill, literally Hill of the Star Tower). The yellowish building is a ship terminal (Olympiaterminaali, Olympic Terminal) used by the white ships, while the red ships use the terminal in Katajanokka*. The two bigger islands behind Olympiaterminaali are Valkosaari (white island) and Luoto (skerry), both of which are home to restaurants. The two small ones behind Valkosaari and Luoto are Katajanokanluoto (Katajanokka skerry), Ryssänsaari* (Russkie’s island) and Puolimatkansaari (half-way island, probably half-way to Suomenlinna Sea Fortress).
The second is taken from Merihaka towards Tervasaari (tar island), the wooded island in the middle. In the extreme left, the rocks are the shore of Korkeasaari (high island), home to Helsinki Zoo. The brown building to the right of Korkeasaari, which is on the island Hylkysaari (shipwreck island) used to be the Maritime Museum of Finland before it moved to the city of Kotka 150 km east of Helsinki. The yellow building to the right of Tervasaari in on Katajanokka and it’s called Merikasarmi (marine barracks) and it’s now used by the Foreign Office of Finnish Government.
The third, fourth and fifth are from Uunisaari (oven island), which is actually two islands unless the sea level is so low that the straits/channel between the halves is dry. In the fifth, the island on the other side of the strait is Harakka (magpie).
The sixth is taken from the highest point of the park Kaivopuisto (well park). The red brick building to the left is the restaurant in Uunisaari. The two bigger wooded islands in the background are Pihlajasaaret (rowan islands). The islands are home to a public clothing optional beach.
* = in Swedish Skatudden (Magpie peninsula), the Finnish name, which is derived phonetically from the Swedish name could be translated either as Cape Juniper or Juniper Beak.
** = Ryssä (when used about a Russian person, the nation or the country) is extremely pejorative nowadays in Finnish/Finland.
So beautiful. I love the fifth shot, I so want to explore that island!
Nightjar @ 4
Thank you!
I should go and do that. The boat ride from Kaivopuisto to Harakka seems to be 5 € (return trip).
Nightjar @ 4
And I did explore Harakka. A lot of fireweed, lots of birds (including barnacle geese and sea gulls, so a bit hazardous at this time of the year), rocks and trees, including birches.
I’ll see if the photos I took turn out to be good or bad.
Ice Swimmer,
Oooh, wonderful, thanks! I’m looking forward to photos! Wish I could go there myself.