Still with Louis-Léopold Boilly. I know La Luxure is supposed to be creepy, but Boilly outdid himself there. :shudder: But I do love Le Lunettes. All images, click for full size.
Still with Louis-Léopold Boilly. I know La Luxure is supposed to be creepy, but Boilly outdid himself there. :shudder: But I do love Le Lunettes. All images, click for full size.
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Raucous Indignation says
Why? Just foofin’ why?
Caine says
You’ve missed the earlier ones -- see the first. Early medical artwork was a delight!
Ice Swimmer says
Les Lunettes is easy to identify with.
In la Luxure, the creepers must be singing a 19th century equivalent of Macarena. which doesn’t make things any better.
Caine says
Ice Swimmer, yes, I identify with Les Lunettes, and I’m fascinated with the ones which resemble scissors. As for La Luxure, yeah, you’re right -- it doesn’t make it better. Everything about that is so wrong. Why are they in her bedchamber, for one.
Caine says
Oh, and I forgot to say that I found it interesting that Boilly made the hypnotist resemble Napoleon Bonaparte. I’m not sure what that says about me or the artwork.
avalus says
I find the grumpyface in the first picture so funny. :D
rq says
Why the grumpyface? You’re eating huitres!!!
As for la Luxure, the old dudes are creepy. Though I do wonder, is her masturbating also considered lechery? Or is she just there to demonstrate the old dudes being lecherous?
Caine says
Avalus, that made me laugh! The one poor guy the aphrodisiac doesn’t work on!
rq, it struck me that she’s asleep and having a good dream, and old dudes are exceedingly excited by that. Still doesn’t answer why they are in there in the first place.