Remember Carl Gallups and Mike Shoesmith, those valiant conservachristians who railed about “Chemical Sexual Assault“? They’re at it again, with a somewhat narrower focus. Seems they are convinced that Michelle Obama will run for president in 2020, which naturally scares the shit out of these brave men. This speculation is based on a World Nut Daily article, which is a whole post of its own. I will note this one small excerpt from the WND article:
4. It’s smart to play hard to get – and that’s what she’s doing:It’s way too early for any serious candidate to throw his or her hat into the ring. Any candidate who does so now is not a serious candidate.
Uh, if that makes a candidate smart, considering that the Tiny Tyrant started campaigning for ‘020 within weeks of the election, and is still doing so…
Okay, on with the scared man show:
Shoesmith said that the recent wave of sexual misconduct allegations against powerful men is being orchestrated by a modern-day women’s suffrage movement akin to the one in early 1900s “which guilted men into giving the women whatever they wanted.”
“Women were withholding sex from their husbands,” he griped. “They nagged their way into government, into politics.
Considering how most women were treated sexually in the 1900s, there may have been all manner of reasons for not wanting to engage in sex; that said, you don’t know that, you idiot, you just assume it, because you think that’s the only power any woman has, no possibility of women using their minds or anything. And yes, women had to fight for basic rights, a fight which has been going on for well over a thousand years (frinst., Lex Oppia), and we’re still fighting. It’s beyond asshole behaviour to trivialise what Suffragists went through. Once again, women were treated as little more than animals.
Say what you want about that, but men need to stand up for the muscular, masculine aspect of what the country needs as a whole. Women are running everything now—it’s okay that women have a say, in my mind, but they can’t run everything because now we have legalized abortion, legalized gay marriage; it’s all about feelings and emotions with these women. So men need to be a balance to all of this, but men are being shoved to the side—Matt Lauer, all of these guys—they are all being shoved to the side and the women are stepping in to take over and I believe that Michelle Obama will be the spearhead of a new women’s suffrage movement to just fully take over government in America.”
:violent headdesk: First of all, you fucking idiot, suffrage means the right to vote. We got that one, so there won’t be a “new womens’ suffrage”. Christ. You muscular masculine types have been running things, forfuckingever. You’ve made one hell of a mess out of everything, too. Now you spend all your time with muscular masculine moaning. We supposedly have the right to bodily autonomy and choice, but it seems you haven’t been paying attention to just how effing difficult it is to get a termination these days. Well, I guess you muscular masculine men wouldn’t have any particular reason to pay attention. As for same sex marriage, I don’t know how to break this to you, dudely dudes, but a whole lot of people involved in that one were *gasp* men! A person might conclude that men have feelings too. People like Matt Lauer and “all of these guys” are being “shoved to the side” because they are abusive assholes who have committed crimes for an appallingly long time.
Gallups shared Shoesmith’s “angst” about a Michelle Obama candidacy, saying that he knows “so much” about the corruption within the deep state thanks to his role as a “special deputy” on disgraced sheriff Joe Arpaio’s “Cold Case Posse” investigation into President Obama’s birth certificate that he is “terrified that Michelle Obama will be the next president” due to massive electoral fraud.
None of you assholes know one damn thing. You pull shit straight out of your asses and treat it like absolute truth. The only electoral fraud going on is illegal voter suppression, which white male conservachristians are wholly in favour of, because women, people of colour, oh no!
To make things worse, Gallups and Shoesmith agreed that Michelle Obama would also benefit from the “demonic forces at work here” that want to see her back in the White House.
Oh yes, demons. Of course, demons. Okay, today, we have Orobas:

Orobas is a powerful Great Prince of Hell, having twenty legions of demons under his control.
He supposedly gives true answers of things past, present and to come, divinity, and the creation of the world; he also confers dignities and prelacies, and the favour of friends and foes. Orobas is faithful to the conjurer, does not permit that any spirit tempts him, and never deceives anyone. He is depicted as a horse that changes into a man under the conjurer’s request.
Via RWW.
But Orobus sounds like an alright guy.
I do think it’s getting close to the time when we need to talk about whether men are emotionally ready to have the vote. It’s been an experiment, but maybe we need to just accept that it’s a failure. Perhaps we could have some kind of supervisory voting where the women help the men stop shitting all over democracy. A woman’s work is never done and all that.
This is why we must oppose ready access to contraceptives and abortion as they take something away from men. Men will no longer have exclusive access to sex without consequences.
Orobas for Senate!
That fellah “darning his wife’s stockings”, probably shouldn’t have married someone young enough to be his daughter.
To be more precise, Orobas should challenge Texas Senator Ted Cruz whose seat is up for election next year.
The top cartoon is interesting not just because, as chigau has noted, he has married someone awfully young, but because it seems to be saying that it’s just all fine and dandy if WOMEN work from 3AM to 12PM. It seems to be saying that she’s sitting around doing nothing while the man works, and that’s somehow bad, but if things are reversed than all is “proper” or something.
Also, women are running everything? What? Amazing how women having a few things go their way suddenly equates to them running everything.
Anti-Suffrage cards are interesting, and often appalling. This particular 3 to 12 theme came up with a few different illustrations, it was quite popular. As was the theme of the emasculated man, taking care of the children or doing housework, while the women played cards and smoked cigars, complaining about how lazy their husbands were. The irony of those cards is damn near toxic.
Oh, and the reason the man often looks so old is that the horrible suffragette wife aged him prematurely, all that work, y’know.