Aristotle and his lover Phyllis. Phyllis is riding on the great philosopher, which is used to symbolize the power of the women. C. 1515.
Oh, batshit does not even come close to covering what’s to follow. Before we delve into the overwhelming bonnaconshit of Alex Jones, a bit of clarification about the word Dominatrix.
Dominatrix is the feminine form of the Latin dominator, a ruler or lord, and was originally used in a non-sexual sense. Its use in English dates back to at least 1561. Its earliest recorded use in the prevalent modern sense, as a female dominant in S&M, dates to 1967. […] The profession appears to have originated as a specialization within brothels, before becoming its own unique craft. As far back as the 1590s, flagellation within an erotic setting is recorded. The profession features in erotic prints of the era, such as the British Museum mezzotint “The Cully Flaug’d” (c. 1674–1702), and in accounts of forbidden books which record the flogging schools and the activities practised. You can read more here. Thus ends sanity…
I don’t think Alex Jones believes so much as a fraction of all the delusional, conspiracy theories he pushes so hard, but whether or not he does, enough people who listen to him do swallow it all whole, and that’s bad enough. I’d be willing to bet, given this most recent, um, screed, that Jones is relying on his audience to be people who don’t read much, if at all. I did not watch the video, and I’m not going to, it’s difficult enough reading this nonsense, and I give great credit to the team at RWW who do watch these things.
On today’s Infowars broadcast, Jones claimed that “most of the so-called liberal lesbians” are women who want men with a “duck’s ass haircut and the James Dean outfit” to physically slap them around, and that if they can’t find men who fit the bill, they will turn to women who do.
“Most of these butch lesbians, they want to be the guy smacking the hot chick around. They think that’s manly. And a lot of the chicks, they like it, see, because no man will do that to them, and I’m not saying it’s good if a man does that, but some women like it. And if they can’t find a man to smack them around, well they found them a girl gonna do it real good—knock them upside their head and have ‘50 Shades of Grey’ about the sexy rich guy that’s going to chain you up,” Jones said.
Could we please dispense with the idiotic stereotypes, pleeeaaase? I don’t think it ever dawns on people like Jones that the stuff they come up with says more about them than anyone else. I guess Jones has a thing for James Dean. There are a whole lot of people who did not read or watch 50 Shades of Grey, and it did not portray BDSM correctly, to say the least. There was a great deal of conflating BDSM with abusive behaviour. [I did not read it; I did read reviews.] I can easily imagine Jones reading such dreck, and thinking it was all Trufax. Note Jones’s weaseling about when it comes to a man smacking a woman around. “It wouldn’t be good if a man did it, but y’know, some women like it!”
“Of course, you’re gonna go get chained up one time. They’re gonna put that devil mask or that piggy mask on. They’re gonna say, ‘Now I’m gonna torture you for about six weeks, so start begging for your mommy and your daddy.’ That’s the liberals. They want to get you in a dungeon. They want to strap you down and take a buzz saw and cut the top of your head off like a pumpkin and pull it off and get a little spoon and go, when you’re looking in the mirror—this is one thing I know they like to do—they go ‘I’m going to eat your brain now.’”
Jones then devolved into an impression of his imagined liberal lesbian dominatrix torturing a captor that is difficult to explain.
“Let’s start at the side areas here, because we don’t want to take away your sight at the back or your thinking in the front. I’m gonna eat your cerebral cortex last,” Jones said, beginning to scream in his studio.
Yeah, no. I am pretty sure that Jones lifted all this from Thomas Harris’s novel Hannibal. That book has scary pigs, a lesbian bodybuilder, and brain eating. Now in the book, the prefrontal cortex is eaten, so Jones changed that up a bit, while displaying a complete ignorance of brain anatomy. I have to say, I’m a bit disappointed the screed did not explain where all the corpses ended up. That’s not the way to do good narrative. Could have done a soylent green thing or something.
Jones then devolved into an impression of his imagined liberal lesbian dominatrix torturing a captor that is difficult to explain.
“Let’s start at the side areas here, because we don’t want to take away your sight at the back or your thinking in the front. I’m gonna eat your cerebral cortex last,” Jones said, beginning to scream in his studio.
“I’ve got power. I love Satan,” Jones yelled, growing louder and louder. “And I’m gonna suck you dry and I’m going to torture you to death. And you’re going to follow my liberal orders, and you’re going to talk like I talk, and you’re going to be guilty when I say you’re guilty. And you’re gonna bow to me.”
Sigh. C’mon, there’s got to be a little bit of plausibility somewhere. Just how is anyone going to follow orders, liberal or no, and talk like they talk if they are missing mass amounts of their brain, and then being tortured to death? Honestly, there’s no point there. That is not any way to go about getting yourself a bunch of liberal slaves. And, it’s a bad story, dude. Really bad. Unfortunately, I imagine Jones’s audience isn’t terribly keen on all thinking business.
There’s video at RWW, if you want the full performance.
uhm wut?
Sounds like he was getting off on it.
DA hair. I assume the outfit was the leather jacket, T-shirt, sleeves rolled to hold a pack of smokes, and jeans with cuffs. Who knows?
Does uh…
Does he realize it hasn’t been 1950 since like… the 1950s?
1950s Shades of Grey?Mak:
I don’t know. Could be a bad case of wishful thinking. Or he picked up on the fact that Dean is a gay icon. Or he really has a thing for Dean.
Now that’s funny. And I’d bet it could be a good book, too. :D
1950’S 50 Shades of grey? I think it’s been done.
maybe some one should send a copy of “The Story of O” to Jones.
I think we had a different 1950s Shades of Grey in mind. That said, I don’t think Mr. Jones needs anymore stimulation.
I’m very sorry I ate before reading that .
My apologies.
I guess the secret’s out. We liberals are all sentient meteors with a taste for brains.