Good Morning, Raucous Indignation. Ah, we had the requisite “turn everything into a mud pit” rainfall a couple of days ago. We had so much snow over winter, that rain is rather redundant at this point, but anything is better than snow!
Kestrel, well, that’s what you get when you live in a place where you aren’t buried in snow for 6 months of the year. :D
This is more in the impressionist style. Dreamy, cold, and wistful!
Ice Swimmersays
In these, there is a kind of darkness looming, breaking the reflection, blurring the vision.
Good morning Caine. I was watching the rain fall on the piles of snow this morning.
This group makes me feel the cold….
Love the reflections on the water. We don’t often see this due to a lack of water all in one place. Very beautiful.
Good Morning, Raucous Indignation. Ah, we had the requisite “turn everything into a mud pit” rainfall a couple of days ago. We had so much snow over winter, that rain is rather redundant at this point, but anything is better than snow!
Kestrel, well, that’s what you get when you live in a place where you aren’t buried in snow for 6 months of the year. :D
This is more in the impressionist style. Dreamy, cold, and wistful!
In these, there is a kind of darkness looming, breaking the reflection, blurring the vision.