A poll done by Morning Consult and Politico shows that the constant quake of scandals simply don’t matter much to Trumpholes. If anything, it solidifies their faithfulness to the Tiny Tyrant. That’s a prime marker of how fascism operates, and it emphasises, starkly, just how much The Resistance and all manner of activism simply cannot stop, or slow down at all.
I think a big part of this is that the Trump faithful have drunk the Tang. They really do accept Trump’s assertion that CNN and MSNBC and ABC, CBS, etc. are the ones pushing Fake News. Which means that when any news group points out that the Trumpists are doing things that are unethical or illegal, they just chalk it up as more Fake News and the mere fact that the main stream media is ‘out to get him’* shows that he is doing The Right Thing.
* Never mind that the main stream media treated him with kid gloves through the primaries, through the general election, through the transition, and is still treating him with kid gloves. Imagine if Clinton had been elected and one of her appointees had pulled even half the shit that Trump’s have. The press would be calling, loudly, for impeachment.
Yeah, they have definitely drunk the Tang, and I think, somehow, this translates to anti-establishment in the minds of Trumpholes.
This isn’t even a matter of “not mattering.” They actively approve.
I am nauseous.
The Trumpistas see the democrats as being foot-dragging oppositionists, just like the republicans were during Obama’s presidency. There’s maybe a slim element of truth to that, but it’s certainly not the same degree. I’m not very impressed with the democrats (to put it mildly) and I’m afraid that what’s going to happen is that the Trump administration is going to set us up for a really over the top populist, next. This situation utterly sucks.
And since one scandal is chasing another, non-Trumpholes don’t even know where to look anymore. Each one of those things would be a major scandal with any normal president, but Trump has so many of them, you can’t muster the energy to be properly outraged anymore.
Quoted for truth. If Clinton or Sanders had been in office, screams of “impeach!” would have been heard at the first whisper of a scandal, and at this point, they would no be in office anymore.
Some folks just always need an other to blame.
That gave us religion, now its given us Trump.