I wrote a comment on another blog yesterday, because I just could not take one more supposedly reasonable person making excuses for those poor, misunderstood people who voted for Trump. It’s making me queasy sick, and possibly leading to a genuine head ‘splosion. I know what the fuck is wrong with all those Trumpoids, but those busy doing nothing but bleating excuses? I’d like an answer, what in the fuck is wrong with you? If you are making excuses, you need to shut the fuck up, stat. Or, you know, you could grow a fucking spine and stand up to all your Trumpoid families and friends. Go ahead, be brave. I’ll wait. Anyroad, here’s the comment:
The bottom line is that people, for whatever reasons, who perceive they were being done wrong, were promised they would have that metaphorical dog to kick to pieces: “you’ll be able to kick those brown people in the teeth! You’ll be able to knock immigrants on their ass!”
That’s what white people, who are always looking to blame someone else, wanted, and that’s what Trump promised them. It’s all ism: racism and sexism. White people are getting bolder by the second, proclaiming their need to preserve their race, by which they mean, “we need to be on top of the people pile again, with everything in it’s right and natural order, white is right!”*
Trump also promised white Christians the path to what they want the most: the ability to stomp on people, grind them to dust and blood, to offer up to their psychopathic god. “No more queers!” “No more abortion!” “No more contraception!” If you haven’t already read about all the legislation on these matters, paint yourself as a willfully ignorant dumbfuck. It’s happening, and it’s happening because that is what these people wanted. No way out of that.
It doesn’t make a damn bit of difference if you don’t think your relatives are horrible bigots, or your friend who voted for Trump really isn’t a bad sort, or whatthefuck ever excuse you have cooked up. Unless you’re going to argue they are brain damaged, and couldn’t really understand all the blatantly bigoted shit which spewed from Trump’s mouth non-stop, there are no excuses. NONE.
By attempting to excuse people, you’re just another witless cog in the normalisation machine, helping to normalise fascism and unspeakable crimes against people, all people. STOP DOING THAT.
P.S. Fuck every single one of you whiny, mealy-mouthed fuckers who just can’t stop whinging about how hard their “thanksgiving” is going to be: fuck your squeamish privilege, your entitlement, and your godsdamned arrogance.
Caveat: I am not talking about those who have already gone 100 rounds with family or friends; nor am I talking about those who are dependent on family, and have to make the tactical decision to be quiet in order to stay alive. I am talking about all the assholes who must defend all Trump voters because their family members or friends voted for him; I am talking about all the fucking assholes who have been whinging and wringing their hands over how awful their holiday is going to be, sitting at a table over laden with food, and having the unbearable task of stuffing their fucking faces and watching television.
We will be spending thankstealing at Standing Rock, with the other protectors, against an army of vicious thugs. A friend will celebrate unthanksgiving on Alcatraz. I know other people who will be busy helping others, the homeless, or refugees. If your only fucking problem is having to refrain from noisily sighing whilst dining with family, shut up and stop defending the indefensible.
* Why yes, I do know that Trump voters were not %100 percent white. Don’t even think of using that as an excuse. Don’t. The majority voters were white, and they drove that vote.
I have some specific questions for these people who think there’s a non-racist group of white Trump voters who were merely voting for him because they thought he’ll address their legitimate concerns:
1) What specific problems were these white people angry about? Show me how these problems unique to white people.
2) Assuming you have given me examples of legitimate problems, what had Trump said or done that convinced them that he’ll solve those problems?
3) How did these non-racist voters manage to listen to the parts where Trump promised to solve those problems and completely miss out on the horrible racism and sexism? Are you telling me if only they had their TVs on when Trump was being a bigot, they wouldn’t have voted for him?
4) Why did these people (who think politicians lie and Hillary is an awful liar) not suspect that Trump is lying too (especially given his abysmal record on bullshitting)?
So who exactly are you defending, and much more importantly, why are you defending them? If you are a progressive and conscientious citizen and want to be an ally in social justice, this should be a moment of serious self-analysis for you.
I would dearly love to see actual, detailed answers to those questions, but as we both know, that won’t happen. I am past tired of seeing all these feeble, brittle excuses for the hate and fascism which has been unleashed.
In a spirit of trying to be positive in the teeth of what has been a pretty unremittingly bleak year: are you encouraged at all by the fact that, even before he’s been inaugurated (before they’ve apparently even finished counting all the votes -- wtf Michigan?), President-elect Drumpf is already backtracking on really quite a lot of his campaign promises? Openly disavowing and condemning the “alt-right” Nazis (to the point that there are reports bits of reddit are melting down with complaints of betrayal), dropping the threats to “lock her up”, wavering on promised withdrawal from the Paris accords, some fencing instead of his yuge, beautiful wall, the list goes on of the things he’s already flip-flopping on, away from the nuttiness of his campaign promises and towards what is (by comparison to the nuttiness only) more reasonable positions. That said, I wouldn’t bet against him flipping back… but I’m holding out the hope that one effect of being in office will be some moderating influence of advisers.
Sorry, should have posted this in earlier comment:
““Anyone here feeling bamboozled by the Donald?” ” You’d have to have a heart of stone not to chuckle at that.
No, not in the least. As for his supposed disavowal of white supremacy? Right, well, half his ‘cabinet’ is made up of white supremacists. He has his daughter sitting in or listening in on anything important, because she has to do politics for dummies to daddy dearest. Trump made a public statement yesterday that it was not possible for a potus to have conflicts of interest. He’s already using his position as pres-elect to shove people around, like killing the wind farm in Scotland because he doesn’t like it by his golf course.
The list goes on. He’s a liar, he’s a bigot, he’s an ill-educated, vulgar fraud who is at the beck and call of the Mercers, people with real money and power, who are also behind Bannon. I don’t see how his “advisors” could have a moderating effect, not knowing their stances on various things. Every person he has appointed so far is one or all of these things: christian, fundamentalist, white supremacist, climate change denier, invested in fossil fuels. Where’s the moderation going to come from?
No, I don’t believe. Then again, I was not one of the people who ever thought he was telling any truth at all. Politicians lie, it’s part of the job. That said, Trump is a pathological liar, and anyone who chose to believe he was telling the truth, well, more fool them. Trump said what idiots and bigots wanted to hear. That he never intended to do half of it, no surprise. The fucker can’t even manage to pay people who work for him. The fanatical repubs who are delighted with Trump are already writing terrifying legislation, like the one in Texas, writing legislation to force schools to out queer kids to their parents; or the jackass delightedly writing up legislation to institute “economic terrorism”, applied to protesters. Roe v. Wade is already dead. Contraception coverage, too. Trump’s Supreme Court picks? Really nasty, evil people.
The list goes on and on. Trump wants to destroy the teachers’ unions, and he thinks teachers are stupid. Yep.
This election, and Trump, have already wrought havoc over this lost country, and it won’t stop now, unless Trump is ousted, and even if that happens, which I don’t think it will, there will still be a fucktonne of trouble.
Steve Bannon as strategist, Jeff Sessions as AG and Kris Kobach advising on immigration and homeland security. And a SCOTUS nomination pending.
Yeah, I’m sure his “disavowal” of the Nazis is definitely not PR ploy at all, especially considering it is still pre-December 19th.
Also, we know what sort of person Trump is. We know his personality and his views and actions from decades before he ran. The “it’s just an act to get votes” people were and continue to be fucking fools.
Apparently I have a heart of stone. Oh well.
It’s the Supreme Court picks I’d be most worried about, if I lived in the US. President Springsteen would have the chance to reverse some of the damage of the next 4/8 years in terms of laws or even wars and such, but SC picks are a legacy that could outlive him. It’s grim.
Yeah, me too. And for the record, I don’t appreciate links to reddit or 4chan, or any other shitlord emporium. Any such future links will be deleted.
And what are they doing now? Really, if that magical non-racist, non-sexist, non-islamophobic Trump voter existed, what are they doing now in the light of all that’s going on?
Also, how do you call somebody who is OK with all the -isms just in order to get some non-specified boons?
Yeah, asking for the people who are getting kicked in the face now to comfort and pity you because you don’t have the guts to tell your family to stuff it is the cherry on the privilege sundae.
Now you know how they get to preserve the white race.
Funny thing. Mine bleeds buttermilk.
I grew up white in a rural white community, and I cannot believe this many rural people (namely the rural poor) would honestly believe that a man born in a New York high rise, and who has lived his whole life in them, and who has spent his life building casinos, golf courses, and condos none of us (i.e. my fellow rural white poors) will ever be able to afford would know a damn thing about helping the rural poor.
I can probably find common ground with a person who refused to vote for either Hillary or Trump. I think its bullshit, but I can find common ground, mostly because we will need to in order to fight this shit. But none of the rural people I know would be dumb enough to think Trump would help them with his tax policies or whatever.
Same here. I know why the voted for him, to make White Christianism might again. Anyone who tries to say that racism had nothing to do with it is full of shit.
I know that safety isn’t the point of going out to Standing Rock but I still feel like someone needs to send you some wishes of safety. I would say that I can’t believe the shit I’ve read in the news lately about Standing Rock except that I have in fact opened a history book and this is depressingly familiar.
Funny thing: Mussolini and Hitler were also adamant that their ideologies were nothing like capitalism (or “Supercapitalism” as Mussolini described it), socialism or communism. The only difference is that in those times a respectable political party was expected to have some ideology and some formulated worldview. Now those same people are happy to settle for whatever ad-hoc remark that comes out of their dear leader.
I know that there was a tiny minority of black people who voted Trump (who knows why), but that’s the only non-white votes he got. His Hispanic voters are people like Marco Rubio who consider themselves white.
And they’re in for a very rude awakening. Same for his Judeo-Nazi, AIPAC supporting, settlers-loving Jewish voters.