Neil Young’s song about what’s happening at Standing Rock! Thank you, Neil.
Young has campaigned against big oil for years, and he drives a car that runs on plant-based ethanol. Along with Willie Nelson and Lakota hip-hop artist Frank Waln, he performed at a concert to rally supporters opposing the XL Keystone Pipeline. Earlier in 2016 he provided the background music for the American Indian College Fund’s new advertising campaign.
When the Apache Stronghold movement traveled throughout the United States to oppose the degradation of sacred Oak Flat by the Resolution Copper Mine, Young welcomed the Apache to drum at one of his concerts in New Jersey before they rallied in Washington D.C. The iconic performer has also been actively engaged in First Nations’ battles. He donated the proceeds of select concerts on his Honor the Treaties Tour to the legal fund for the Athabasca Chipewyan’s struggle to halt the expansion of the Alberta Tar Sands.
Vincent Schilling’s full article is here. And please, heed Neil, and share the news!
Neil Young, Joan Baez
It’s nice not to be disappointed by some people sometimes.
Yeah, it is.
Well done, Neil Young.
And thank you.
More loud celebrity voices, please -- and not from far away, but from Standing Rock.