Nearby super earth may be water rich

A hypothetical water world with the red dwarf Gleise581 glowering on the horizon.

A hypothetical water world with the red dwarf Gleise 1214 glowering on the horizon.

Nearby is relative, this world is more than 40 light-years away. Thousands of times farther from us than Pluto is from our sun. But exo-astronomers have narrowed down the likelihood that a planet two and-a-half times more massive than earth may have a water rich atmosphere and possibly vast oceans on its surface: [Read more…]

GOP finds new way to sabotage Obamacare: Big Gubmint red tape


For a small government party the GOP sure is happy to use red tape when they can slow down people’s access to healthcare. Case in point, the HHS has provided grants to organizations that will hire people called navigators. The navigators will help people navigate the healthcare exchanges and enroll in Obamacare. Here’s how the Republicans are trying to slow those orgs down: [Read more…]

It’s not hard to figure out where the new poverty is coming from

I got my first job in 1977, in a nasty, greasy restaurant. It paid about three bucks an hour. What do you suppose that would be today? A little over $11.00 an hour, which is about what I make now. So, I have about the same buying power working for a highly profitable Fortune 500 software company doing complicated tech stuff as I did when I was 15 years-old working part-time washing dishes in a barbeque joint. I am by no means alone, this is one big reason why corporate profits and CEO pay have skyrocketed: [Read more…]

Pleistocene may have ended with a bang

The end of the most recent ice age is an intriguing time in natural history, particularly in the northern hemisphere. Evidence shows a sudden savage cold snap lasting centuries affecting a region stretching from the upper eastern seaboard of the US to the British Isles and beyond beginning about 12,900 years ago. A number of Ice-age mega-fauna which had withstood multiple cycles over millions of years also went extinct around the same time.

Scientists refer to this period as the Younga-Dryas, named after a tell-tale flowering plant that flourished in colder conditions. The prime suspect was the melting of ice sheets in North America leading to a release of fresh water in the North Atlantic causing a temporary shut down in the top of Atlantic conveyor. A new study turned up another possible factor, a big rock from space: [Read more…]

The Cooch is all about small gubmint, except when it comes to divorce

Ah Ken Cuccinelli, right-wing god-bot and culture warrior deluxe. We’re all weary with claims by social conservative hypocrites about how they pine for a freer, smaller gubmint America, with liberty for all; except of course when it comes to things they approve of, whether it’s preventing people from entering into marriages the wingnut gubmint dislikes or forcing people to remain in marriages the same theocrats adore: [Read more…]