Here’s an interesting opportunity: Lynn Margulis, the controversial scientist, is going on a ‘blog tour’ to promote her new imprint of science books called Sciencewriters Books. What does that mean? She’s going to hang out for a little while on a few blogs and chat and answer questions. If you’ve wanted to have a conversation with the author of the endosymbiont theory and critic of neo-Darwinian theory, here’s your chance.
The tour will kick off on Monday, 12 March, at Pharyngula. She’ll be sending me a short article that I’ll post that morning, and we’ll collect comments and questions. Later that afternoon or evening, she’ll browse through those comments and answer the ones she finds interesting.
In addition, she’ll be available in the Pharyngula chat room (channel #pharyngula on; if you don’t have an IRC client, that link will let you use your browser to join in) from 12:00-1:30pm ET.
So mark it on your calendars: an online conversation with Lynn Margulis, next Monday, 12 March, at Pharyngula.