So various species of the genus Menorasaurus have been around for quite some time, but they seem to be evolving quickly over the last few years. This particular Menorasaurus hipstertshirtii is new to me:

Menorasaurus hipstertshirtii prepares for an evening of light fun.
It’s the kind of monster that is hard not to like.
Forget ugly sweaters, I should wear this.
Got a link to buy?
I’d lost track of where I found it!
It took a bit of searching, but this is the shirt, and it might even be the original retailer where I first saw it.
I’d just like to point out that Menorasaurus is not a regulation Menorah as its candles (except the Shammash) are not level. Any attempt to use Menorasaurus as a Menorah on Hannukah should not only be atoned for on Yom Kippur, as it is a sin against god to use a non-regulation Menorah, but also by asking Menorasaurus itself for forgiveness. Please note: Menorasaurus may refuse to forgive you the first two times you ask, depending on how pissed off you made it, so you may have to ask a third time. After this, you will be absolved and Menorasaurus will have committed the sin of being unforgiving. You may now return to your regularly scheduled Holiday celebrations.
Also: Thanks for the link Crip, I think I’ve found my Dad’s Hannukah present.
Of course! You’ll have to drop back by sometime and let us know how he liked it.
@Crip Dyke
Thanks for the link!
Maybe if you use it as a menorah it’s a sin, but I think as a shirt image it should be fine. I haven’t seen an actual menorah in that shape, possibly for the reason you describe. I’m buying one for myself.
Seek and ye shall find:
Not strictly kosher as the candles aren’t all the same height, but I don’t care.