Don’t Miss Posts. This MonsterHearts, I’m also having one regular post a day, if you should prefer that kind of thing. Just look at the posts before or after this one.
MonsterHearts is a 14 day event (named after a pervy RPG) wherein my writing group votes on a monster each day to include in a story concept. As we march toward Valentine’s Day, the theme is supernatural romance. For this first few, I’ve tried to just use “edit” mode in MidJourney to iron out irregularities, even trying to make a legible title in the AI program. While it’s cool you can now hammer the hands and text into shape, there are a lot of disadvantages to doing that, as opposed to just photoshopping what you need to fix, or placing your title just so. Probably won’t keep up the effort for long… The snowy owl on this one ended up with those lil feather “horns” that you see on other owl species, not so much in snowy owls… whatever.
CHARACTERS: Jenny Fred: a Koyukon / Irish teen, Lemmy Reyes: a Filipino / Anglo / Koyukon teen and Owl’d Boy.
PREMISE: Jenny is the coolest girl in school but she’s fallen for bad boy Lemmy. Lemmy is not at all smart, and decides to steal the most expensive thing in town, to pay for their elopement, somewhere far away. But the artifact is cursed, and he turns into a giant humanoid snowy owl -type thing.
THE HOOK: Why must I be a teenager in love? You know how these things go, when the genre was in its heyday. An actor that will someday be more famous, like Michael Landon or Steve McQueen or Charles Bronson, he plays a teen that gets mutated into a monster. The less famous girl who will one day become a tabloid footnote barbiturate OD, she is imperiled, and screams. The authorities shoot boy as he runs away. His body transforms back into a human shape, while she says something like, who are the real monsters?
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