If you’re unfamiliar with J20, you can review here. It’s been my exclusive focus for the past month. I’ve been holding my breath for 45 minutes because the verdict was returned. From Shay Horse, Alexei Wood, and a court reporter for Unicorn Riot, all of whom are present in the courtroom, the first six defendants have been acquitted of all charges.
Gonna go find a corner and collapse from exhaustion. See you again after the holidays.
the first six defendants have been acquitted of all charges.
Yes!!!!! That’s going to set the police state back a bit. Hopefully they’ll be able to sue for damages.
Nice christmas present, that.
Thoughts and prayers!
Well good.
Great news, hopethe rest go the same way. Enjoy your well deserved rest.
Good news. While of course I care about the fates of the 6 taken to trial by this authoritarian prosecutor, I take it more-or-less for granted that we all feel that way. So mostly I’m commenting to say thanks for your work in publicizing and analyzing the important issues at stake in this prosecution. Well done.