Anyone want to caption this picture?

Check out the van I was stuck behind at a red light. Yikes! Sorry for the raindrops on the windshield.

I’m sorry for the lack of posts, but I’m still alive and kicking! I’ve just been busy at work and with art shows.

We have a diversity and inclusion consultant working with us at one of my jobs, and I complained about the office woo. I’ll have an update soon.


  1. lanir says

    Single White Panel Van LF Long Term Partner

    Religious buzzquote compliant, most are loosely sourced.

    That’s not rust, it’s a sign the elements love me.

    The only thing on my back end you need to pay attention to is the autosmart one. I’m in an abusive relationship with someone who thinks they’re always right. I’m smart enough to want out. Please send help ASAP.

  2. Michael Suttkus says

    Thirteen bumper stickers? Just not convincing! If only he had enough faith for fourteen, I might have been convinced!

  3. Katydid says

    Glad to hear you’re doing well.

    Captions? Hmmm.

    “I am insecure about my faith and need external validation”?

    “I’m trying to make up for other shortcomings with over-the-top professions of faith”?

    “I’m low-intelligence and love to pick fights with strangers”?

    “I’m trying to distract you from the 34 kidnapped kids I have stuffed in this pedo-van”?

    Ohio, man….in my state, the tackiest car decoration I’ve seen is the guy who drove around with plastic Happy Meal toys and Dollar Store tat glued to his car.

  4. Katydid says

    @2, Michael Sutkus: the must-be-born-again sticker is on there twice. So he’s repeating himself.

    Also, laughing at the “God said it, that settles it”…God contradicts himself.

  5. Tethys says

    Beware False Profits (not a typo)

    To be honest, the apparent lack of handles and the added heavy-duty hasp is giving off ‘It puts the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again.’ vibes.

  6. Bekenstein Bound says

    Beware of practicing your piety before others in order to be seen by them.
    Matthew 6:1

    Meanwhile, it might interest certain parties to know that paying for things online with debit is extremely risky. It’s bad enough if a hack causes your credit card to be maxed out and leaves you with a bureaucratic mess to clean up. If your bank account gets drained, your utilities start bouncing, your rent, and you can’t buy food and other necessities. You might end up with utilities shut off or even get evicted, with consequences that won’t be undone even if you do manage to get the initial fraudulent charges reversed eventually.

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