Recovery is making a choice…(add to my list!)

Recovery is making a choice…

to respect your mind and body,

to protect your peace,

to choose who and what matters in your life,

to acknowledge your shortcomings,

to know you don’t have to smile all the time,

to celebrate the strength you never knew you had,

to say no,

to relish in your freedom,

to surrender when needed,

to know when to ask for help,

to accept support from others,

to cherish what’s important,

to know it’s okay to not be okay,

to show love to yourself and others,

to build your future and let go of the past,

to show gratitude,

to forgive yourself,

to turn your dreams into goals,

to not apologize for wanting your needs met,

to know god is not responsible for your success,

to give yourself credit,

to be kind,

to promise to hold on a little longer,

to make it through another day,

to move forward from here.


What does choosing recovery mean to you? Please add to my list!


  1. John Morales says

    Surely keeping all that in mind all the time must be rather onerous.
    At least, that’s what I imagine.

    I hope the list actually is helpful for you, but for me it would be like living with a set of self-imposed rules that I’d feel bad about breaking.
    And I sure wouldn’t want to add even more to the list, I’d try to condense it.

    One suggestion: perhaps “try to [x]” instead of “to [x]”, as that would lessen some of the pressure of continual compliance and negative feelings if one fails.

  2. dangerousbeans says

    @John Morales
    You’re not supposed to think about the entire list, you’re supposed to pick the ones that are meaningful.

    • John Morales says

      I clearly don’t quite get it.
      I thought this is one person’s list. “my list”, not “a list”.

      (If an item is not meaningful, why have it there?)

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