The Colours of Memories.

From Nerd of Redhead: From Nerd of Redhead: colorful flowers in an urn for the Redhead’s grave display. The urn is cast aluminum with hummingbirds on it. The flowers represent those in the yard, those she liked (birds of paradise), or something that just looked good to me. A celebration of the color she brought to my life. So beautiful, click for full size.

© Nerd of Redhead, all rights reserved.

Jack’s Walk.

From Voyager: Hooray! Today Jack saw the first sure sign of spring. The maples have been tapped and the sap is flowing. The weather remains cold and dreary, but Jack is contentedly dreaming of pancakes and sausage with fresh maple syrup. Click for full size!

This is Jack.

© Voyager, all rights reserved.

Flower Sculpture HDR.

From Opus: The reference photo is the middle photo of seven: three with slower exposures and three with faster exposures. This was a Nikon D700 with a 28-300 lens. Since I was just walking around and shooting multiple hand-held exposures for HDR the settings were a bit strange: f7.1, ISO 1000. The exposures ranged from 1/800 second to 1/8000 second.  Most below the fold, click for full size.

Reference Photo.

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