Master of Mischief, Jinx
Hello, Dear Readers. I hope you’ve all been navigating well through the craziness.
It’s been a long time since I said hi, so hi there. You can’t see me, but I’m wearing my usual awkward grin and waving my paws in greeting. I’m seriously out of practice writing, so this may be a bit rough, but I owe you an explanation for disappearing so suddenly and staying away for so long. The short answer is that I’ve entered the late stages of scoliosis. My spine is contorting and collapsing, and I’ve been experiencing increased disability and pain. A more detailed accounting may come in future posts, but it won’t be the focus of my writing. I still prefer to focus on life’s simple and gentle details, and I want to reflect that in my posts.
My corner of this blog began as Jack’s Walk, and there will still be nature (with less walking) and animals, but now mainly of the feline variety. That handsome boy up there is Jinx, who has grown to be a whopping 14 lbs. of floof and mischief. He and Sophie have passed their first birthday, and they’ve both accumulated a few stories I’d like to share with you. There are other things I’d also like to share, but for now, I want to keep it simple and try to post about once a week.
The timing of my return feels right, and we’ll see how it goes. I’m looking forward to becoming an active part of this community again. It feels a bit like coming home.
Hi, Voyager!
Welcome back!
Welcome back, Voyager!
Skritches and warmth to Jinx and Sophie, if they like such things!
Hello! Jinx is a gorgeous boy, and I’m happy to see both of you.
Ugh, degenerative spines are simply unpleasant in every way. Pain management is a misnomer when nerve pain is a constant companion.
Welcome back, I look forward to more fluffy tailed cat photos and your posts.
Good to hear from you!
Welcome back. Anything that you feel like sharing will be greatly appreciated. You under-rate your writing and I look forward to seeing what you will post.
Hi, voyager! What a gorgeous cat!
Awww! What a beautiful cat -- & g’day & great to hear from you tho’ wish the news was better.
(waves, scratches kitty)
good to see you posting again, sympathies for the skeletal issues
fusilier, surfacing from lurk mode
James 2:24
**waves** So great to see you again! So sorry about all that medical stuff, so glad you have kitties you can worship and be amused by. Jinx is gorgeous!
It is great to hear from you, I’ve been wondering how you are. Sorry to hear about your spine misbehaving.
Jinx is very beautiful.
Hi Voyager,
good to hear from you again. Sorry to hear bad nes about your spine. :(
Jinx is such a fuzzy beaut!
Hi! Looks like another artwork in progress to me. :) I’m glad to see you here, it makes me think I should get some words together and do some posting, too.
I’m sorry to hear about the health issues, I will send good thoughts and gentle hugs as desired through the interwebs!
I’m glad to see you back, my friend. Jinx has grown into an amazing cat!