Yesterday we had a rare occurrence – a sunny day in winter. With pristine snow.
It did not lure me outside, I loathe winter with a passion and winter sports even more. But I did point my camera out of my window and did some clickety-click. It looks pretty. From the inside of a warm living room.
How very beautiful. It even looks like you have a bit of blue sky in the background.
I made peace with winter when I started walking dogs almost 20 years ago. I like the way snow silences things and I think bare trees are like beautiful sculptures that watch over you with grandmotherly concern. At least those are the lies I tell myself to get dressed and out the door.
Beautiful Charly. We had a sunny day here too, but that just meant mud.
In Helsinki we had that pretty day (with a little snow on the ground) on Saturday. It felt magical after a long darkness.
Now there’s a blizzard with heavy snowfall -- though the temperature is barely low enough to make it snow instead of rain. We had practically no snow or frost until New Year, and now we’re rapidly going from no snow to knee deep. I really hope it won’t start raining again like it did in February two years ago, with similarly thick snow on the ground. There was slush and ice everywhere.
You got glitterbombed by nature.
Here, the snowfall lumipuna described is subsiding and the temperatures are dropping, so the snow isn’t melting immediately (but we’ll see what happens later). Yesterday I had zero interest to use an public transport (and wouldn’t have used a car if I had one) as the traffic tends to turn into chaos when decimetres of snow fall during one day.
Some air-supported sports halls have collapsed under the pressure of snow. The roofs of residential buildings should be able to withstand this amount of snow (by regulations), but sports halls and other structures with wide roofs may be a bit iffy.
I especially love the second photo. Such beautiful crystals! What a good catch.
I agree that snow is beautiful -- especially when viewed from a warm indoor location. Also, it looks a lot better when you don’t have to shovel it.
The snowy branches look lovely and the snow looks like light, dry snow.
The second one is my favourite.
We have some snow here as well, fortunately I don’t have to drive to work at 7 am right now…
Having said that, next time I#ll marry my neighbour, she does clean the sidewalks on weekdays as well (we are a nice bunch of people, so whoever gets to do it clears both their and our sidewalk)