Today’s photographs all speak to the blanketing beauty of fresh snow.
First, we have a tranquil snow scene sent in by Kelvin L. Woelk.
Next, some a few shots of this year’s first snowfall from our very own Charly.
Finally, some quiet landscape shots full of pattern, taken in central or west-central Minnesota by Mark Hesse.
“The one titled Hoarfrost was taken in Morris, MN, home of FTB’s own PZ Myers.”
Thanks for taking the time to send in your photos.
Wow, that sun!
I absolutely love the atmosphere in the first one, and the last one amazes me.
I can’t say which one is my favourite, but like Charly, the first and the last are really magical.
The first is almost from a fairytale. Charly’s leaves remind me of Caine and her close-up pictures.
I love how Mark Hesse is playing with light. Also, the windswept snow “dunes” on the ice in the last is wonderful, I sure hope to see that kind of scenery this winter (that is, I hope the Gulf of Finland will freeze this year, possibly so that is freezes first during a clear cold night and some light, dry snow will fall on the smooth ice later).