They do have many kinds of good stuff, apart from the polkagrisar (or polkakuddar as pictured above), there are also hallonbåtar and lakritsbåtar (raspberry boats and sweet licorice boats, the latter have a rather strong aniseed aroma, which I like) and punschpraliner (the brown pralines with the white punsch flavoured filling, covered with sprinkles/nonparells). As a kid, one of my favourite things on traveling to Sweden* (we always went to Stockholm from Helsinki or Turku, on the big cruiseferries) was going to the tax-free shop on the boat and splurge on båtar and other candy that was commonly less available in Finland.
* = My great-aunt lived near Stockholm, she had married a Finland-Swedish man and they moved to Sweden in the 1950s. We visited them and their sons and daughter (born in 50s and 60s, only the eldest son spoke some limited Finnish, the two younger siblings were completely Swedish-speaking) from time to time.
You got me thinking on the best Swedish candy.
They do have many kinds of good stuff, apart from the polkagrisar (or polkakuddar as pictured above), there are also hallonbåtar and lakritsbåtar (raspberry boats and sweet licorice boats, the latter have a rather strong aniseed aroma, which I like) and punschpraliner (the brown pralines with the white punsch flavoured filling, covered with sprinkles/nonparells). As a kid, one of my favourite things on traveling to Sweden* (we always went to Stockholm from Helsinki or Turku, on the big cruiseferries) was going to the tax-free shop on the boat and splurge on båtar and other candy that was commonly less available in Finland.
* = My great-aunt lived near Stockholm, she had married a Finland-Swedish man and they moved to Sweden in the 1950s. We visited them and their sons and daughter (born in 50s and 60s, only the eldest son spoke some limited Finnish, the two younger siblings were completely Swedish-speaking) from time to time.