Bees Being Busy

A fabulous photo from Avalus,

A bunch of bees roaming around in a big thistle flower at my local fruit and veg shop. It was an amazing buzz. I did try a video, but with lots of people talking loudly (highly frequented open shop) I could not use it.

©Avalus, all rights reserved


  1. brucegee1962 says

    “And rapidly backwards and forwards
    The early bees are assaulting and fumbling the flowers:
    They call it easing the Spring.”
    --Henry Reed

  2. lumipuna says

    Isn’t that flower artichoke? They look really cool, though I guess for practical purposes you might indeed consider them a type of big thistle.

  3. avalus says

    It is an artichoke, but, for the life of me, I could not remember the word when I send the photo and typed the text :D

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