
Some evening last week one of local roe deer grazed in the lower, and so far mostly overgrown part of the garden.

©Giliell, all rights reserved

You can see the ugly old fence post in the left corner marking the border between the garden that belongs to our house and the part that we merely rent from the city.

©Giliell, all rights reserved

We keep the brambles at bay, so while there’s tons of stinging nettles, there’s also grass and herbs.

©Giliell, all rights reserved

©Giliell, all rights reserved

©Giliell, all rights reserved

What I didn’t know at that time was that she has a sweet little fawn hidden somewhere close. We only found out when on Saturday we heard a sound that was actually more like a bird of prey and thought that maybe there was an injured animal in the backyard. Since then we’ve been seeing them on and off, she tolerates us at up to about 10m, but of course I usually don’t have the camera ready, but today I had. Tell me if that isn’t the cutest thing you’ve ever seen. I banned everybody from the garden for the next half hour so they could have a bit of peace after I took my pics, but they seem to regard the kids on the trampoline as a non-threat anyway.

©Giliell, all rights reserved

©Giliell, all rights reserved


  1. kestrel says

    That is a whole heck of a lot of cuteness to be held in one little fawn. How cool to have roe deer just come into the garden like that… pretty neat.

    One morning I got up and took a look out on the pasture. I became frustrated because somebody’s cows were in my field and wondered who I’d have to call to get them to come get their cows. Then I put my glasses on… they *were* cows, they were just elk cows and certainly did not belong to anyone.

  2. voyager says

    Oh, my heart just melted. The fawn looks so soft and velvety and it’s eyelashes are incredibly long. You’re back garden seems like an oasis of wondrous things.
    I hope you’re finished the hard work part of the upper back garden. I’m looking forward to watching your garden grow.

  3. says

    I hope you’re finished the hard work part of the upper back garden. I’m looking forward to watching your garden grow.

    Not quite. There’s one and a half rows of stones missing and a fuckton of earth. Yesterday we created the base for the lantern that is, in the end, the reason for all the hard work we’ve been doing. Though the first pumpkins have been planted and those the slugs didn’t eat are coming along nicely.

    There’s a deer and fawn sequel waiting for you….

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