Last year the broken weather nearly killed my fig trees. There were signs of hope afterward, I wrote about it here.
This year, the broken weather has lead to me harvesting over 1 kg of fresh figs today, in late October, when it should be freezing already. I mean, I am glad the trees recovered and are doing well, but this is not normal. Sometimes a small good thing is a result of a big bad one I guess.
I’m so jealous of home-grown fresh figs, but I don’t really look forward to having a fig-compatible climate over here. In part, because I don’t have a garden.
When is your normal fig season, if I may ask? I vaguely recall that fig trees can bear fruit for several months. In late June in Zurich I saw what was apparently a feral fig tree on the river’s bank, bearing unripe but already fairly large fruits.
I also saw a Japanese medlar tree in someone’s garden. I’d thought it was more of a subtropical plant. We don’t have even European medlars here in Finland -- in fact I’ve never seen one live.
My MiL had a medlar tree, she was a fan of the fruit and having a tree is about the only way of getting hold of them in the UK. I think they are disgusting as was the jam she made from them.
Here we have consistently record breaking Summers, heatwaves, drought and bushfires -- and warm nights and days ever earlier. I was meant to be working tomor .. today. Been cancelled though because its going to be too hot (36- 38 Celsius) and too high a fire danger day. It isn’t even Summer (November-Dec-Jan) yet. :
It’s been a warm autumn here, too. We haven’t even had our first frost yet. It’s hard to complain when things are pleasant, but the long term implications aren’t good.
We’ve had repeated mild frosts (as one might expect) this October, but the Ficus elastica pot plant at my glasshouse balcony is still alive, somewhat surprisingly. It will likely die during next week’s predicted cold weather, and we might also get some ephemeral snow.