I was off helping a friend today, so Jack and his daddy had a boys day without me. They are well-trained scouts, though, and upon my return I was told that the poppies are blooming at the end of the street. I grabbed my camera and set out to take a few shots. There are about a dozen flowers in total, but today only one was fully blooming. The rest look set to open tomorrow and I’ll definitely be back to take another look. I can’t resist those blood orange petals or their pompons of purple chenille.
I love the petals when they are all crinkled before the blooms are fully out.
Need more pictures of Jack. I love that old guy. Reminds me of my Zoe. She went to the rainbow bridge some 2 years ago and I miss her terribly.
I’m sorry about your Zoe. I don’t think you ever get over losing a dog. We lost our Lucy, another chocolate lab, about 2 years ago and I miss her everyday.
I’ll try to showcase Jack more often.
Gorgeous pictures and I’m especially in love with the second one. I love touching poppy petals when they are this young, they have such a unique feel to them.
Poppies are so beautiful! This year they bloom everywhere around here, too.