Today’s Monday Mercurial is a Carpenter Bee, who are rare and amazing creatures. This is the only thime I saw one and had a camera at hand. They are quite big, easily the size of my thumb and can give you quite a start when soaring past you when you don’t expect them.
That last one looks like the bee is looking right at you with an impish smile on his face.
I was asking myself the same question.
I could have sworn I had scheduled it for Monday…
Is it even possible to schedule for multiple days ahead? I got the hunch that Caine mostly scheduled posts for the next day only.
LOL I was totally believing it was Monday. Then I thought, ummm… but wasn’t yesterday Friday? I was sure I was wrong and you were right! :D
They are a very cool color. Quite beautiful creatures.
@Ice Swimmer, it is possible to schedule multiple days ahead, but Caine did nor do it. No wonder with the ammount of posts she has done everyday.
@Giliell, by coincidence, I would swear that I have scheduled “Slavic Saturday” post for 8:00 blog time, but it got posted immediately. Maybe some quantum interference with our brainwaves or some such.
Beauty. Love the colours.
The black fur is gorgeous as are the iridescent wings.
Fine captures.
What a beautiful bee, the black fur and the blue wings are simple and elegant. Good work Giliell!
They are fairly frequent here and they visit flowers too, I have taken photos of them in french marigolds and cosmos IIRC. Not this year though, I’ve seen them around but didn’t get the opportunity. Beautiful critters, their wings are amazing as these photos show.