The crab spider on our Sunflower has grown pretty big and fat. The diet of bees apparently suits it well (I have seen it to eat another unfortunate bee).
I think this picture shows how the spider manages to subdue much bigger prey without falling off the plant with it during the struggle, although I have not had the luck to see it in “action”. You can see that the spider has built a small web and has thus essentially tethered itself with spider silk to the plant. Ingenious.
Aw, you have a pet crab spider! :D
It is beautiful. There was one on our chili pepper’s flowers that looked just like that but in white. I kept forgetting to take a photo and now I can’t find it anymore :(
Given that posture I suspect that crab spider is saying “I can take you, just you come here and see, any time, I can take you!”
Great photo. The main body (thorax maybe?) gives me the impression of a muffin.
This is why I’m happy spiders don’t generally come in larger sizes.
You’ve captured a very effective, expressive portrait!
I think the abdomen is more like a little bun spiced with a lot of saffron. As for the colour-coordinated spider in whole, definitely out to get some prey.
Grumpy Spid!
@ 5 Ice Swimmer
Yes, I think you are right.
That’s what you say!
It probably lets you live because you lure prey into its claws by assuring people just that.